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Wheel chocks issues, sync issues pilot/wso


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Some issues when sharing the cockpit

  • When pilot requests to remove wheel chocks, wheel chocks are still visible for the backseater
  • Pressing J to request control never shows a popup on the pilot's screen. You essentially take immediate control as the WSO
  • Pressing J causes the jet to go into a crazy forwards spin, damaging the aircraft. This might be related to the wheel chock sync issue. Second flight we both (pilot and wso) requested wheel chock removal. Taking control of the aircraft this time worked fine. And yes controls were properly set (verified with r ctrl enter to show the inputs)
  • There must be some desync issue when you crash the plane as the WSO. When relieving control as the WSO with J, the plane correctly handles the death state for the pilot and wso

Pilot was flying in VR, back seat regular screen.

Edited by dikkeduif
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