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Fantasy combat Simulator >> can we create a complexe world post apocalyptique based on mad max and more Manga style sim ? without a lot of aircraft only old Guns and less missiles .. maybe zepplin on the sky also etc ...


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I know that DCS is a combat simulator but I was wondering if it would be possible to create a world: POST APOCALYPTIC way MADMAX

the atmosphere would be that only old legendary planes (COLD WAR or other) fly with few armaments / more combat canon / 
and where you have to find places to refuel on dangerous tracks guarded by enemy factions. Go find weapons / protect populations /

imagine ZEPPLINS or cities in the air/ bandits or renegates with crazy planes modification 
a red sky because of the pollution ... sandstorms etc ...
people to rescue / food to transport or protect convoy of civils...

the legend of finding an old F14 in a garage... very few pilots in the air. lots of threats to the ground.

Fights for survival where you would have to defend your base and your friends against hostile raiders .. 
having to plan to discover a map ... a bit in fantasy RPG mode (yes I know it's the opposite of DCS but the engine / the physics / the impression of speed .. the quality of the intros ... good music and a mad max atmosphere with my friends / and even my wife said that finally.

learning to fly and discovering a new plane or a helicopter is rather fun (like an RPG like ELDENRING)

But the too down-to-earth side of the simulation prevents us from thinking further...

Would anyone be interested in starting a project like this? sorry for my english btw

Edited by shillum
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  • shillum changed the title to Fantasy combat Simulator >> can we create a complexe world post apocalyptique based on mad max and more Manga style sim ? without a lot of aircraft only old Guns and less missiles .. maybe zepplin on the sky also etc ...
15 hours ago, shillum said:
I know that DCS is a combat simulator but I was wondering if it would be possible to create a world: POST APOCALYPTIC way MADMAX

the atmosphere would be that only old legendary planes (COLD WAR or other) fly with few armaments / more combat canon / 
and where you have to find places to refuel on dangerous tracks guarded by enemy factions. Go find weapons / protect populations /

imagine ZEPPLINS or cities in the air/ bandits or renegates with crazy planes modification 
a red sky because of the pollution ... sandstorms etc ...
people to rescue / food to transport or protect convoy of civils...

the legend of finding an old F14 in a garage... very few pilots in the air. lots of threats to the ground.

Fights for survival where you would have to defend your base and your friends against hostile raiders .. 
having to plan to discover a map ... a bit in fantasy RPG mode (yes I know it's the opposite of DCS but the engine / the physics / the impression of speed .. the quality of the intros ... good music and a mad max atmosphere with my friends / and even my wife said that finally.

learning to fly and discovering a new plane or a helicopter is rather fun (like an RPG like ELDENRING)

But the too down-to-earth side of the simulation prevents us from thinking further...

Would anyone be interested in starting a project like this? sorry for my english btw


It's being played right now.

The sands swirl around the post-apocalyptic barren desert that used to be called Syria. A long fleet of mish-mashed vehicles made from Toyota's, Hyundais with fabricated armor plates  rocket systems bolted on their backs, and ex-Soviet material, trundle around an old deserted military airfield, once the mighty Syrian Arab Army's holdings, now up for grabs for anyone in an F-14A they found in a lockup.

The sand storms maybe switched off, but in every other respect you are looking for 4YA's PvE servers.

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