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I hope I am in the correct room. I moved over from DCS BIOS HUB to Flight Panel and since I continue to get socat error code socat [1641] E write (7, 0x0800070000, 84): Permission Denied. That is the error I get when I am in DCS while doing a start up, it will usuaully crash before I finish the start up. I basically got to reboot everything to clear this.

Another error which happens before I load DCS and I launch multi port CMD is socat [1830] E open ("/dev/ttyS-1", 01002, 0666): Read only system. To clear this one I have to delete the program folder and reinstall add the port and it works until it crash with the above error.

I tried to fix by changing my programs folder attributes but it will not change from read only. It will let me uncheck read but when I exist and open the properties again it changes back to read only. Not sure if that is the problem but I looked to find more post on this error but nothing. Can someone please help me clear these errors?

Thank you,

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Sounds like either a permission issue or port in use.

1) First, try rebooting. I know it sounds stupid but COM ports have a weird habits of getting "stuck" in Windows.

2) Make sure the old Hub is not running, and nothing else is using the COM port.

3) Try running connect-serial-port from an elevated command prompt, press Start, type command prompt, and click "Run as Administrator".

If that doesn't work, try something else and report the results:

Open PowerShell and run

$port = new-object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM3, 9600, None, 8, one

Make sure to replace COM3 with your COM port number.

For example, if the port is busy, you will get this response:

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Hi @maciekish,

Thank you for taking the time to help. I cannot believe no one else is having an issue with socat. As far as rebooting I have to every time it errors in the game which is the permission denied error. The other error clears with the delete and reinstall programs folder from the Bios master folder. I have four COM 4,5,8,9 in use and you mentioned serial but I am using multi - can I launch that in - Run as Administrator? I will try that leave jet running see socat crashes. I did run the test and Com 9 was the only one that consistently never outputted anything. Once I hit enter it just sat there (see pic). The right side are the results of adminstrator privilage. 

Again thank you,



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I just tried to set up the multiple-com-ports.cmd in run as admin and what it does is open briefly and disappears, serial works fine in admin, is that normal?

UPDATE: I launched the multi com port and DCS with no winwing. tracker, stream deck, or logitech keypad. I did quick mission hot start marianna island. Let the jet run for over an hour and I had no issue with socat.  I added winwing and tracker ir ran it for 30 minutes still no issue. Then I added my logitech keypad and did a few landing and take off then put the hornet in ap doing a circle for about 40 minutes. So that is about 2 hour and no errors. As soon as I launched stream deck socat error returned and one of my com port initially #8 crashed. To bring the panel back I need to close the multi com port CMD and power cycle the left annunciator or com8 and then relaunch multi com port CMD and it will work, even if I left stream deck on, but let me touch a button on stream deck and instantly one of my com port crash over again. So if I launch stream deck while DCS is running or if stream deck is running and I launch DCS and then I touch stream deck button the socat error appears. If anyone got an idea to fix this I am willing to try.



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