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DCS Keybinds Manager: AutoHotKey script to backup/import/share your keybinds + handle UUID changes


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nullLink: https://github.com/niru-27/DCS-Keybinds-Manager

  • Backup & Import your keybinds even after UUID changes (different USB port/Windows reinstall)
  • Share you keybinds with others who have the same device as you

FC3 alone has 9 modules. If you have just a throttle + stick, that's 9 x 2 = 18 times you have to manually import the LUAs from Controls Menu.
Then there's the other categories like UI Layer, Camera, Default, etc., that can have their own separate binds.

Imagine if you have more devices & modules, especially if you're into DIY button boxes. They quickly add up, prompting me to come up with a way to handle the UUID changes seamlessly. 


  • Handles your custom Modifiers assignment
  • Handles the leading space in the filenames for VKB devices, which Windows removes any time you try to copy-paste the LUA files

More info in the repo.

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