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Posted (edited)

I’m trying to find some community user profiles from those with similar setups to mine. Most of my time will be dedicated to the Apache (solo for now), but I also plan to do a fair bit of flying in the UH-60 mod and A10C as well at some point. My current setup is TCS base with the VPC Hawk 60 collective grip, VKB Gunfighter Mk3 cyclic, and the T50CM2 throttle. If anyone could give me some ideas of keybinds that have worked well for them I’d appreciate it. 

Edited by Jamo6305
  • Jamo6305 changed the title to Button Mapping Request
  • 2 weeks later...

I have a totally different controller configuration, but my best advice is try-redo-try again-redo it again until you find a suitable config.

I have a T16000 joystick+winwing f18 throttle and rudder pedals as well. My platforms are F16, F18, A-10CII and Apache. As long as i learn something new i'll try to adapt to my keybinds and observe carefully what's more suitable for my needs/skills.

I know this is quite useless (if not useless at all) but i had many issues and much more help from this forum users that i didn't want to leave this subject unattended.

Bye! 🙂

"If you low&slow you're BBQing, if you hot&fast you're grilling, if you low&fast you're flying an Apache"


Bit of a necro I guess but here is what I'm using with a Warthog, game controller and an old cougar stick while I build my TEDAC.

These are not intended for generic use, as they're very specific for me. I like to have common things like radios, vr zoom etc on the same button in every aircraft (AH64, UH1, F/A18 etc) to minimise finger fires.






DCS Wishlist: | Navy F-14 | Navy F/A-18 | AH-6 | Navy A-6 | Official Navy A-4 | Carrier Ops | Dynamic Campaign | Marine AH-1 |


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