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Mission editor woes!!

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Good morning all, 

No matter what i do in the mission editor, i just cannot get the planes to behave... well... like airplanes!!!!! Here's my mission details.

total of 20 B17s flying over the channel to go drop their payload on Dieppe harbor/port.

I configure each box of 4 to fly in whatever formation (line abreast for some reason has them trailing each other instead of flying next to each other and yes the initial "trail formation flag was modified on all airplanes").

Once the 5 groups of 4 are configured to fly in a formation on their own, i then set up a waypoint to initiate BIG formation. I proceed to configure the pattern according to their desired position in each wing/group...


To test my formation configuration,  i just setup a waypoint down the map and test my config. 

No matter what configuration i use, i always have a few groups that fly like straight up drunkards! can't maintain formation, random altitude changes, not respecting the pattern selected. Keep in mind, there are NO threats on the map yet! But even though there are no threats, i made sure to set threat response to "NO REACTION".


My question is, where in all of the DCS coding could these boxes of planes have gotten the idea to go from 10,000ft to 7,000ft in a 90degree roll slide dive (distance to achieve the altitude change was ZERO), and then fly backwards while climbing not to 10,000ft, nooooo! 9,378ft, then... you guessed it!!!! slam into each other.


None of this makes any sense since they are flying in a straight line.....


PS> i realize there isn't a track file attached. I'm working on getting you one... i sort of "editor rage quit" this morning LOL

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