Stahlwolle Posted May 3, 2024 Posted May 3, 2024 (edited) Hello virtual Pilots, to make this clear first: i know BIGNEWYS "DCS now supports OpenXR natively" post from jan. 26th and i tried everything exactly as written there. DCS stopped working in VR-Mode. Everytime i start the game it starts in "normal" (non-vr) mode. So far I tried: - steam-repair (multiple times). - renaming the DCS User-Folder to have it reset. - going back to steamvr non-beta update. - uninstalled and re-installed varjo Base software. - also reinstalled the mbuccia wrapper after reinstalling the varjo base software. - uninstalled varjo base software and tried a previous version but no sucess. - uninstalled and reinstalled DCS. - disabled openXR-toolkit. - set openXR-toolkit in "safe mode". - disabled mbuccia wrapper. - started from desktop using shortcut with start-parameters "--force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR". - uninstalled XRNecksafer and openXR-Toolkit . - reinstalled openXR-Toolkit. - doublechecked that openXR option is ON in varioBase-Software and made shortcut from DCS.exe in bin-MT folder. tried to start from that link with and without --force_openxr argument. The only thing i could find out is that the non-MT Version does start in VR but the MT Version of the game does NOT (anymore). I am using the steam-version of DCS via openxr (VarjoXR). (I am also running il2 which works with not problems so the hardware works fine). For detailed informations i will attach the log-file and the DxDiag.txt to this post. If i am missing something which could be helpful please feel free to ask, i am thankful for any help or try to do so. I am not sitting here just waiting for others to solve my problems - i realy searched now many many hours for a solution and tried everything i could imagine. I realy need help from someone who is technically more into this than i am. BIG THANKS for any help!!! wolle dcs.log DxDiag.txt Edited May 7, 2024 by Stahlwolle
Stahlwolle Posted May 8, 2024 Author Posted May 8, 2024 (edited) After i figured out that this issue is impossible to solve (for me) i contacted ED-Support Team which tried to help me kindly! Their advice to bypass steam completely and install the nonsteam-Version of the game brought a solution and the game now runs flawless in openXR. So if anyone else is facing such issues like described above: Try the non-Steam Version and move your licenses over from steam and leave your worries behind Thanks ED for support! I leave my Steamversion installed for now - maybe someone has another idea what could have caused the problem and i will then try to see if it get fixed - this could also help others with the same problem. Edited May 8, 2024 by Stahlwolle 1
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