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Announcing the Stand-up of the vVFA-97 Warhawks!

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Greetings virtual naval aviators and milsim enthusiasts,

It is our pleasure to announce that today, May 11th, we officially recognize the redesignation of the 510th vFS to the vVFA-97 Warhawks!

The 510th vFS has a storied history in the 476th vFG. Founded 6 years ago, our intent was always to create the premier virtual hornet squadron within the DCS community. We've always strived for realism to the maximum extent possible inside the jet, and this core tenet of our community will be carried forward into the future. When the 510th was originally founded, the DCS landscape was a very different place, and a decision was made to align the squadron with the USAF naming and traditions that had been established in the 476th. 2024 brings us a very different environment and has left the squadron in an odd place in the greater DCS community. As our community has grown over the course of the last 12 years, we've had an influx of knowledge and a wealth of wonderful people whom have strived to always be on the leading edge. With this in mind, we are excited to continue on the original intent of the 510th vFS under the new auspice of the Warhawks, embracing Naval traditions, trainings, and standards.

We've chosen the Warhawks, among other reasons, due to its storied history in naval aviation, as well as a personal connection from one of the founding members of the 510th vFS. Lance "Amy" Dooley served as a support member within the squadron earlier in his military career, a pride that everyone sees with his Discord patch and his personal aircraft livery.

Effective immediately, the 510th vFS is stood down and decommissioned, and we warmly and excitedly welcome the new vVFA-97! We look forward to embracing a leadership position within the greater DCS community for naval aviation and simulation! We wish to invite the community to celebrate this occasion with us as we also announce that Hornet applications are currently open, and we are seeking dedicated, skilled virtual aviators to bring the squadron to new heights.


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Congratulations on starting your outfit. I was in VA-94, 85-89. I'm still just 12 miles down the road from the back gate at the base.

I retired from the Navy in 97 and worked for Boeing in VFA-125, now VFA-122s hanger Mod. I retired from Boeing at the end of June 2021.  

Wishing you Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Semper Fortis

  • Thanks 1

Sempre Fortis

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