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Joystick and Shkval issue


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I hope this is right place for such question, I had a look at problems and bugs but it looks like there was just much more technical problems.


Anyway, is there any way to "ignore" joystick input when I press for example right alt? my use of Shkval moving and target locking (I guess) is kind of odd, but I like it and find it good, but I have but one problem, while I move Shkval (I use my joystick hat for it) along with right alt pressed the duration of move, when not, hat does other things (lol, ran out of easy access keyboard and joystick buttons so I though, what the hell, I have 4 more from the hat :joystick:), when I do this, I unwillingly add yaw to left and thus, at worst case, mess up my hower...


So is there any way I can force ignore yaw or even all axis movement while I use Shkval?


PS. had a look at manual and the modifier place but what I need is kind of reverse-modifier :D

Edit: I currently use yaw curvature to numb the yaw but I dont like it this way at all.


Edited by Zardiz
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Hi Zardiz


Is it Yaw that you add, or Bank? Because Yaw should happen when you input rudder, not when moving the joystick...


A solution could be to add a modifier to you collective axis (pitch and bank) so that only when pressing such modifier the joystick would move the helicopter... you´d only have to find a heavy object to place on top of the modifier key for regular flying :)


Anyways, when I´m hovering I use autohover, so small joystick movements by operating the hat get corrected by the AP. Works for me...

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It is yaw, it has something to do with joystick too as its a bit old and twitchy sometimes. AP channels are ofc on, and yes autohower is what I use as well ofc, but I guess my hand has mind of his own and when im busy looking Shkval, finding targets and what ever, I add the rudder enough to overcome the heading AP channel and start changing my heading.


Hmm I understand what you mean, but to be honest, I think it would take to much time to move stuff on my keyboard, as we do have our hands full allready with this bird :)


Hmm I could try to add switch for it, when toggled yaw would not work, perhaps Scroll Lock so I can see it from keyboard if its on or off... worth a try, downside offcouse is when I see SAM launch... :D.


Unless someone has trick for doing that axis ignore somehow, I quess I have to settle with this.

Edit (again): oh and to clarify I have joystick with Z axis (X, Y, Z), and no pedals, allthough I do plan to by HOTAS and such soon as I can afford...

why I allways find something to add 3 sec after I post :P



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If I understand correctly, your hand has a tendency to twist the joystick while you use the HAT switches on the top. The twisting motion is bound to your rudder.



You can go into the controls settings and perform an axis tuning on your Z axis. Create a deadzone so if you twist the joystick, say, 5 degrees no rudder action will occur, but if you twist it 6 degrees, the rudder will engage.

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jeah you understood it right :)


I am currently getting the same effect with curvature, I still twist it but not enough to overcome AP, quess I have to get used to the new rudder then.


I do have another Shkval problem also, I will be using this thread for it as well. Just need to make track file to explain it better but shortly, if I allready have target, and I want to update its range, I only re-lock the target and dont move Shkval (as when you lock, it measures the range) but when I do this second time, Shkval goes nuts and jumps somewhere, and thus my bird starts to move where Shkval jumped... not nice :joystick:


I has happened few times now, I should be able to replicate it.



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