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Simple editor multiplayer problem (beginner)


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I want to create a simple multiplayer-coop mission quite simply spawning two aircraft as wingmen, both being flyable for me and my friend over LAN or (and) INTERNET.


So, I simply dont understand how to do this. I have tried everything I can think of, but the only thing that seems to work is to have two seperate groups spawn at the same airport, but as Im not able to use the radio commands in that case nor am I able to create same waypoints for both planes.


Someone told me that I need to create two flights within one group, and set one plane in each flight to client. I tried that, and it sounds very logical, but still only one plane shows up on the multiplayer plane-selection screen.


T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U for any help, I am dying here. :helpsmilie:

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So, there is no way for us to actually be wingmen? Considering callsigns, radio-commands and everything else.


It would be nice to be able to work as a group, and not as two seperate doing the same things.

It is how the two of you fly together when you are online that makes you wingmen. Set up any other way in Lockon and Lockon thinks you want AI wingmen.


I assume the two of you will be sat next to each other in the same room, or talking to each other over TeamSpeak etc, so what you say to each other and what callsigns you use is up to you.


As for an AI AWACS talking to you, it will use whatever callsign you set up for your group. I think Lockon defaults to setting each group to a different name (Enfield, Springfield etc) but I think you can change them to be the same if you wish.


Sorry Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum....

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Ofcourse, but correct me if Im wrong, but we won't be able to hear the same comms will we? I know its just a little detail and I am very happy for the answers you have given me, but I just wanted to know if it was possible.


For example when landing and I ask for permission, ask for permission to take-off etc. It would be way cooler if we could both hear "eachohter" talking to the AI aswell. We are using ventrilo and/or teamspeak though, and it is obviously better.


Thanks for all the answers! :)

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