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Posted (edited)

Hello friends! It has been a long time and I have dearly missed you. But you know once an updated Black Shark was around I came RIGHT back.



I've been searching and searching and I can't find too much on Black Shark 2 tweaks and such quite yet. (Probably due to the fact that the upgrade hasn't been around for too long.


So before I begin let me lay out my system specs.


AMD Phenom X6@3.3ghz

ATI Sapphire 6970 running latest drivers (11.10 I think),

8gigs of A-DATA@1600mhz,

500 gig 7,200rpm HD

blah blah blah


(Edit: forgot to include my ingame settings: Textures: High, Scenes: Medium, Vis range: Medium, Shadows: Medium, Cockpit Disp: 512, MSAA: 8X, HDR: Normal, Cockpit Shadows: On, TSSAA: On... WTF is TSSAA anyways???)


My framerate is not HORRIBLE but it can dip down to the 30's and even mid 20's (GASP!) in crowded areas with the Shkval on. And with HDR on I tend to get occasional artifacts and white boxes etc. (I know this is a known issue, and no my graphics card is not failing nor is it overheating)


I know I am not running a TOP of the line rig but it's pretty damned good. There's not another game out there that really paces my machine but the DCS series. (I know that my processor, even though it has 6 cores, is probably my weak link as far as DCS goes)


But it seems to me that NVIDIA users are getting a much better deal out of the DCS series. They seem to have fewer artifacts and glitches, and higher frame rates. I'm not really that upset, I was just hoping some of my fellow ATI users could give me some tips and tricks on how to maximize my frame rate.




So first, what settings in CCC should I be using to max frames?


Disable Catylyst AI, etc?


Should I download ATI tray tools? If I do what within it could help?


Do the old tweaks to Producer.cfg etc etc still apply in BS2? (By the way, I lost that tweak guide)





Thanks for any tips and tricks in advance. And by the way, I've been a forum junkie for years and years on nearly all of my favorite games. You guys were always the most intelligent and respectful community I have ever encountered.

Edited by PedroTheGoat
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Tssaa=transparent super sample anti aliasing...http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2006/04/07/transparency_adaptive_aa_explained/1. Im on a 1090t at 4ghz and a 6950 2gb. I haven't played much but using the same settings and one of the quick missions im right around 30fps at the base and 60 when just flying around. Haven't tried combat yet so I can't tel you my numbers there but I did notice near the base my load on one cpu core was bouncing around 90-95%. Check your cpu core usage and see if thats the bottleneck. That seems to be my bottle neck as well as most others. Does changing the settings help much as they didnt for me maybe 5-10 fps.

Edited by pacotito



I7-5820k@4.5 Z99 extreme4 16gb ddr4

520gb ssd. Gigabyte ssc GTX960 SSC 4gb


My current Caatalyst settings with a dual 5770 setup:



  • AA: Application settings, "Morphological Filtering" disabled (enabling this does not drop the framerate but renders text very blurry), Filter "Box"
  • AF: Application decide
  • Tessaliation: Application settings
  • Catalyst A.I.: High Quality (shows little impact on the frames but high impact on rendering quality, that's why), Enable Surface Optimization enabled
  • Mipmap Detail Level: High Quality
  • VSync: Off, unless
  • AA Mode: MSAA - this is the setting with the highest performance impact I could identify so far. Setting this to SSAA for example considerably lowers the framerate.


Ingame settings:



  • Textures: High
  • Scenes: High
  • Civ Traffic: Medium
  • Water: High
  • Vis Range: Medium
  • Heat Blur: Off
  • Shadows: High
  • MSAA: 8x
  • HDR: Off
  • TSSAA: Off
  • VSync: Off
  • Cockpit Shadows: On
  • Full Screen: Off
  • No Mirrors

This usually yields about 25+ fps on the ground with fair weather conditions. Dragon's "FreeFlight Bad Weather" drops me at < 10 fps so I assume there's quite a bit left to tune :/

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