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IR system overhaul


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Hey folks.


Currently the IR system works like this - do some brightness change to TGP picture, do some contrast change. If White hot invert colors... Which is why tracers in W HOT mode look black...


ED please slowly start overhauling the system - creating a special "IR" mode with units having IR textures.... Look at arma2 for example. It is way to extreme over there but one can soften up the effect and tweak it depending on distance and what not.



Currently on certain ground types it is really hard to see a hot moving tank in the cold area at night... You know - those darker ground types with a lot of "texture" to them.


Thanks in advance.


System specs:

2500k @ 4.6 GHz


HD7950 OC'd

Win7 x64


Posting tracks to make your DCS better - attention bump incoming!

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