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Transparent wings???


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Hi guys!

Hope you can help me out with an issue I am having...


Today I bought myself a new laptop because my old one was not running DCS World as smooth as I wanted it to run.

I installed DCS World 1.2.0 and the latest A10C module.

So far so good...


When I am ingame I get this wierd graphics bug though..

If I look outside the cockpit at my wings, they appear transparent, I can look right through them at my ordnance, same thing happens in all external views at a certain distance..


Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix this?


All help would be greatly aprreciated!!


Windmill 31

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Hi there!


Thanks for your lightening fast response..

I was looking around on the forum some more after posting my problem..


I found out what it was!


I had to add DCS.exe to my Nvidia Graphics manager and make it runs DCS using my GT 650M vid card instead of the onboard chipset.


Now all works fine! What a fantastic game!



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