Oznerol256 Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 If you browse the Servers available, you will find that every Server has a Name and a currently loaded mission. If you click on the Server once, you will be able to read the first few lines of the briefing of the currently loaded mission. While this lets players read a bit about the mission before joining, this stops Servers from transmitting any information about the Server except than the name. There is no possibility to write some server rules or a TS Server address or other important things like SLmod or how to get the password for the Server. (You can write it into the Name, or into every single mission briefing, but thats not the way how the mission briefing / server name should be used!) I would be great if server hosters would be able to set a custom Server message. The message maybe limited to a certain amount of characters, as long as the limit is more than 160 characters ;) [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
nomdeplume Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 +1! Even if there was just a way to provide some text that would be inserted into the top of the mission briefing when the server sends its status information, that would be very helpful. Also if the amount of text that's sent could be increased a bit, if possible.
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