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How-To: Set up a 4-screen, T-shaped display in DCS

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First off, my appologies for waking the dead with this post, but Greg I saw the youtube video of your setup and I think it's convinced me to move my current arrangement more towards yours.


I read all the posts and I did notice there was a bit of a back and forth as to what video cards would be useable. I have a few questions and I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who's been so willing to share details on this thread.


I'm currently running an nvidia card right now and it's only supporting 2 monitors. I'm about to upgrade and looking to get something that matches the 4 display setups that everyone is posting. I'm not wanting to start up any "brandname" discussions or disagreements with this post.


What card(s) should I be buying. I saw someone mentioned a Radeon R9 290? I also saw a few nvidia posts. I'm at the point where I want to make a purchase and I don't want to get home and find out I've got the wrong card.


Secondly, I have a 42' in screen I'd like to use as my center display and I will acquire the remaining displays over time (left and right). My ultimate goal is to match GregP's setup, moving everything on the center console onto a touch screen below the main center console, keeping the "T" layout.


Third, Is it possible to run a 42' in the center and different sized screens for my left and right or do I need to run all 42' screens across? Or is it better I just ditch the 42' and by a series of nice 27' screens across?


If anyone has any video card suggestions, please let me know. Once again thank you for your time patience to read through this.

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  • 1 month later...

jkosnikowski, apologies for not seeing your question earlier! Don't know if you're still looking for input, but I believe that just about any modern card can support 4 monitors. I was using a 7970, and then switched to an R9 290, and both worked fine with 4. The caveat here is that I haven't used Nvidia cards in quite awhile so I don't quite know the details; you may have to run in windowed mode to run 4 monitors.


As for monitor sizes, SoftTH will allow you to scale each monitor's image such that you can use mismatched monitor sizes; it just creates a little more work on your part to get it set up. But getting multiple monitors of the same size would obviously make everything much easier and would probably look better in-game too.


Vahakyla, total cost: I really don't know as I've slowly assembled it over a number of years. And in fact back in December I completely ditched the 4-screen setup and went with a single 4K 55" monitor. But if I had to guess, all together I'd estimate $2500, something like that?

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all,



Please help!




I'm trying to run DCS with 4 monitors in inverted "T" shape

all my monitors are identical: 1680x1050 Samsung SyncMaster

For lower monitors I'm using Nvidia (GTX970) Surround 5300 x 1050 (2xBazel compensation of 130)



Upper monitor is set to default 1680x1050.





_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('JarolSofTH');-- nazwa w DCS

Description = 'opisowka'

Viewports =



Gui =


x = 1810; -- left/up corner will start at this X ponit inside your set-ingame resolution

y = 1050; -- left/up corner will start at this Y ponit inside your set-ingame resolution

width = 1680; -- width of vport inide the in-game resoluton

height = 1050; -- height of vport inide the in-game resoluton

viewDx = 0; -- this is the horizontal default view-point direction

viewDy = 0; -- this is the vertical default view-point direction

aspect = 1680 / 1050;


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = screen.width;

height = screen.height;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = screen.aspect;




UIMainView = Viewports.Gui









































My problem is with the middle (GUI) monitor.

In game it dislplays everyting with it's own FOV - see below.



GUI displays just fine.

Could you please help me? What am I doing wrong?








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Did you try it w/o Nvidia Surround? Just do it natively in DCS first?


Like this: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2616874&postcount=799


or using 3 monitor setup?



Also, you have three going across the bottom, right? So the resolution of that is 1680X3 by 1050 or

5040X 1050


HW Spec in Spoiler



i7-10700K Direct-To-Die/OC'ed to 5.1GHz, MSI Z490 MB, 32GB DDR4 3200MHz, EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3, NVMe+SSD, Win 10 x64 Pro, MFG, Warthog, TM MFDs, Komodo Huey set, Rverbe G1


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Just so you know, your resolutions are off. You can start with that to see if NV Surround works for you. I've never used NV Surr so I'm afraid I can't be of any assistance.


HW Spec in Spoiler



i7-10700K Direct-To-Die/OC'ed to 5.1GHz, MSI Z490 MB, 32GB DDR4 3200MHz, EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3, NVMe+SSD, Win 10 x64 Pro, MFG, Warthog, TM MFDs, Komodo Huey set, Rverbe G1


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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi guys,

I connected 3 big screens 43" each one to my virtual cockpit (i bought 3 4k LED TV), and i already installed 3 Thrustmaster MDF that i would like to put 8" screens behind the MDFs.

I am using Geforce 1080Ti GPU that have 3xDP (that my 3 main screens connected to it) ,1 HDMI and 1 DVI (last both are free.

I am planing to try to extend the 3 MFCD of the FA-18C (L_DDI , MFCD and R_DDI) and i wonder if there is a possibility to connect to multi HDMI ports hub, it input signal to my GPU HDMI free port, and it outputs will be connected to the 3 individual 8" screens.

If this possible there is any idea which files i need to config and how?

Alternative, if there is no option to extend 3 different regions of the cockpit (L_DDI, MFCD and R_DDI) via Multi monitors hub, and i would like to install additional GPU to get the ports for these 3 8" monitor, can someone have the possibility to instruct me hoe to do it ?


Thank you in advance for


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