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    Gaming, Photography, Astronomy.

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  1. No. This has been a DCS issue for a long time. On two different PC's.
  2. Had this tonight on 4YA Syria. dcs.log
  3. Bumping this to get it done! Would be so cool to have this even as an AI.
  4. I hop in back seat to turn the radar to on and try adjusting the brightness and contrast in the front seat but just can't get it to work? What step am I missing?
  5. I managed to get airborne with 1 wingman, but he RTB'd at waypoint 4 with low fuel lol.
  6. Thanks all for the help. Got it working. I did Weta43's solution for now, but will have to try Rudel's later, great tutorial Rudel, thanks.
  7. I'm making a mission where I have a follow me vehicle which I want to wait until I get just behind it then start it's journey. I don't want it to spawn in front of me, it must be visible waiting for me. Any ideas?
  8. My screenshot in the op is in 1024, I think it would be nice at least to have the option for a modern res. Must be easy to implement?
  9. I have always used 1024 res. I can always notice the low res. We're coming up to 2025, I think we should at least have the option.
  10. I don't think it affects the mirrors though. A similar setting for the mirrors would be good.
  11. A slider or drop down box for cockpit mirror resolution would be amazing. Thanks. P.S. Is there anyway to do it now?
  12. I tried a few things, lowering the view distance makes things worse(I thought it may blur them), Upscaling makes thing much worse(don't use it anyway). Finally I installed bandit648's weather mod, now clouds are perfect. As far as mirrors go, we'll have to ask ED for an updated option in the menu, should be super easy. Upvote the thread on the wish list please. HERE
  13. I made a quick mission to practice dumb bombs starting in the air about 30 miles out, but the target waypoint I set in the mission editor is about 2 miles south of what the HSI tells me in mission. I've never noticed this before(been a few months since I played). What am I doing wrong? I'll attach the .miz file. F-4E Dumb Bomb Practice Argentina.miz
  14. Thanks, I just updated to the latest F10 fix and it fixed my IR.
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