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About edurigon

  • Birthday 11/07/1980

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    Condorsim 2, IL-2, Dcs, fs2020
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  1. I did it really fast... like 50 times. I even tried in russsian, always the same result. Tried on w10, w7,forcing drivers, diferents pcs, no antivirus, trial mode, you name it... Eventually fond THIS https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinodev/files/ArduinoBuilder/FreematicsArduinoBuilder-1.0.13-win32.exe/download With it I was able to upload the hex file. I´ve tried X-loader first and it wouldnt work either. I think im having some funny interaction or something, it can be that I wasn´t able to google someone with some similar problem. Thanks for the response! Im gonna go now to have some new problems configuring those allegro sensors! :megalol:
  2. Can be something wrong in the generation of this command? https://imgur.com/PuDeqCX
  3. Thanks for the response! I think I have it right, I quickly check wich one appears in the device manager and check that is the same in the "green box" Can it be not founding avrdude.exe or something alike? https://imgur.com/Nomf4cz Sorry if it sounds silly, or poorly redacted, I am not programmer, neither am an english native speaker. thanks!
  4. Cant update firmware Hi; I have been trying to upload the firmware to a Arduino Leonardo board, followed the guide, forced the drivers to be recognized as arduino leonardo or arduino leonardo bootloader, reset, upload firmware, but it gets stuck in "connecting to programmer: . _ " I have tried everything that could come to my mind. I always get that result. https://imgur.com/ZbkS4N9
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