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  1. Hi, for a few months the AI planes I created do not activate the smoke. They only work when I edit the mission and try it on my computer. But when I put the mission in the dedicated server the smoke does not work. Has anyone encountered this problem?
  2. Not having a home screen with the two coalitions is a problem for me, I don't think it's just for me. PVP server: a player enters chooses a coalition, chooses a slot (duel 1 zone 1 red example) and doesn't see who is in the other blue coalition, maybe there is no one and has no way to check except if he uses the " ' Score window " button. Or there is someone in the Blue coalition but in the zone (duel 2 zone 2 Blue), so the two players are flying on separate zones and can't know if they choose the right slot because they should leave the coalition enter the other one and see in which slot the user is positioned. WW2 Server: I enter the server, I choose the red coalition, but I can't see from which airport the enemies of the blue coalition take off for example. Balance: I enter a server, I choose the coalition but I have no idea how many players there are so, again I have to use the " ' Score window " button, a button that perhaps not everyone knows, and see how many players there are and choose the coalition based on the balance of the two sides. Administrator: same thing for the administrator, maybe he is playing on his server in Normandy, he wants to see how many users there are and if it is well balanced and he can't do it, he must always use the " ' Score window " button, which by the way is always silent every time a player disconnects or a new player enters and chooses a free slot. I'm in my PVP server, I'm in pause between spectators, I see the general situation inside my server with both coalitions and I see if the users are in the right slots or not, in that case I could provide a persistent message on the top right of the screen that user ,"A" is not in the right slot to fight with user "B" in area "X". These are some examples, probably my point of view and the translation will be confusing. Acrobatic server? No problem, only one coalition, choose the plane you want and fly!
  3. I meant how it's always been with the two coalitions separated in full screen, so that users and administrators can choose the right slot, especially in PVP servers
  4. @Maverick87Shaka Do you think they will go back to their plans and put the old red coalition and blue coalition screen so that server admins can see all the pilots in the various slots without going crazy?
  5. I meant that I apologize, it wasn't aimed at you obviously. The fact of not being able to see the two coalitions, the red one and the blue one, at the same time, brings confusion to users, server administrators, especially PVP servers.
  6. Hi cfrag, what do you think of the new interface with the coalitions to choose from? Since Lock On we have seen both coalitions, why change? For me you put the users, the mission developers, and the administrators of the various servers in difficulty. Not having the possibility to see both the red and blue coalition at the same time is catastrophic for me, having a PVP server.
  7. A server administrator should be able to see both coalitions, now everything is difficult, let alone in a PVP server with new users how will they fight? One will fly in one area and another in another, or even there will be no one on the other side, without knowing it
  8. a server administrator should be able to see both coalitions, now everything is difficult, let alone in a PVP server with new users how will they fight? One will fly in one area and another in another, or even there will be no one on the other side, without knowing it.
  9. have you tried doing it? I would be interested in changing the flag, only the flag not the IP address We hope I sent you a private message Maverick87Shaka
  10. have you tried doing it? I would be interested in changing the flag, only the flag not the IP address
  11. Hello, Can DML help me with this or does it have nothing to do with it?
  12. Vorrei una mano anch'io per fare questo,mi puoi aiutare Maverick87Shaka da anni metto a disposizione in modo gratutito i miei server ,vorrei un aiuto sullo script
  13. this comforts me at least I don't keep banging my head in the mission editor and getting nothing out of it although I have no idea how the server can have a say in all of this. how to group 4 planes locked into one SSB script? because if I use "do script" for each single plane they don't stop simultaneously, but at a distance of one second from the other and sequentially, according to the order I gave in the mission editor. this is one of the problems i encountered i don't know if a single script can solve it or not. forget it I am one step away from abandoning, in the meantime I thank you for bringing me up to here.
  14. But it is possible, as I wrote you in the previous message in the server ---JustDogfight--- it is possible to do this. yes for now I am not worried about this aspect, I solved it by blowing up the units outside of area 1 with the attached mission. OK but how do I fix this? somehow I have to reset the value to zero for all planes yes for the moment the different areas and the red coalitions I am not taking into consideration, only zone 1 and the blue coalition as you will see in this mission, i am not using flags, i guess all the work can be done even without Test5.miz Thanks for the attention
  15. I did not know that SSB could not use units to block every single plane, in fact in my previous mission I believe, I used units and they did not work,so thank you! I also thank you for your infinite patience I have modified the mission based on your suggestions, and yes, the zones are not necessary unless you want someone to enter or leave the zone. But they are useful to speed up some processes of the dcs mission editor! Especially if you have several areas close together without interfering with others. I enclose a younorn mission: everything is fine but .... In this example, when one player chooses a plane and then destroys it, other players can take the slots same thing with regard to when a player chooses a slot and does not click on "briefieng / fly" ! As I wrote to you in the previous message, in the just dogfight server, for example, if you enter a slot and do not press the "fly" button under no circumstances will the players be unable to sit down. how is it possible? I am very close I know, but it only takes a moment to get far away. So I'm stalled! Test44.miz
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