F-16I Sufa V3.0
-All F-16 versions now have F-16 sounds!
( until now added F-16 version had SU-25 generic sounds, that means that we don't "sacrifice" anything when adding new F-16 versions anymore! )
-New and improved Cockpit textures
-Added Cockpit 3D Detail ( pipes , vents etc ... )
-New backseat HUD 3D model
-New ACES II 3D model
-Option to remove the backseat pilot 3D model via livery args
-Option to display the left TGP video on backseat HUD
-F-16I Sufa Terma RWR avionics
-F-16I Sufa Airborne Self-Protection by Elbit Systems - Improved Radar Warning sensors
-Air Show Smoke pods
-Added 1\2 ECM Tails option for F-16D bl50\52 NS via livery args
-Pilot Dash helmet visor reflections
-F-16D bl50\52 NS tail shark antenna
-Backseat HUD OFF\NIGHT\DAY\TEST switch is now functional
-Backseat HUD OVRD\NORM switch is now functional ( Norm - TGP video is not displayed on HUD. OVRD - TGP video is displayed on HUD )
-Backseat POWER DSPL OPR\OFF is now functional ( OPR - MFDs power is on. OFF - MFDs power is off )
-Backseat CONSENT Indication light is now functional and will turn on when master arm is armed.
-Backseat A-A, NAV, A-G Indication light is now clickable to get in each mode for easier use.
-Two high quality liveries for F-16D bl50\52 by Roughmaster
-F-16I Sufa 253 Sqn Syrian Nuclear Reactor Attack Livery
-F-16I Sufa V3.0 total size is 5.13 GB Extracted compered to 20.7 GB in V2.2
-V3.0 Download Size is 4.88 GB compered to 8.7 GB in V2.2
-The main F-16 version is now the F-16C instead of the Sufa ( missions, liveries, loadouts, servers etc.. )
-Internal ECM does not require to delete the ECM Pods 3D models anymore
-Internal ECM option removed for F-16D bl50\52 NS
-Multicrew Request Control keybind changed to "R"
-F-16D bl52 NS Cockpit views
-Cockpit 3D model positioned too high
-370Gal Fuel tank position
-600Gal Fuel tank position
-Wing flex animation
-HUD data is angled
-F2 External view far from the F-16, cant get close as the F-16C
-Backseat DED is angled
-Cockpit canopy reflection shows big white circle reflection
-Cockpit gauges glass reflection white when pointed to the sun
-F-16D bl.52\NS pylon textures doesn't change with livery
-F-16D bl.50,52\NS left wing textures doesn't change with livery
-F-16D bl.50,52 NS space between the tail to tail holder
-F-16D\I backseat pilot HGU-55 oxygen mask missing
-SRS not working on F-16D bl50,52 NS
-Gun is not positioned currectly on F-16D bl52, NS
-Intake antenna position
-Sufa Undercarriage texture doesn't change with livery
-Clock is not working ( Front and back seat )
-OXYGEN PSI not working
-HGU-55 3D Model can be seen inside the cockpit
-F-16I Sufa 201 Livery art fixes
-F-16I Sufa 119 Livery color fixes
-F-16I Sufa 107 Livery art fixes
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