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Posts posted by sun4eg

  1. Auto-boresight option is actually very nice, I'm all up for such QoL additions when authenticity and 'realism' meets actual limitations of our devices.
    @BIGNEWY can we expect the similar for Apache's HDU? It is pretty much impossible to properly align it in VR: lean forward, hold your headset and set crosshair slightly left off the center is far from ideal. 

  2. What makes you think ED will magically start deliver product if you throw money at them *yearly*, rather than *yearly* buying EA module which they are not able to finish for let's say 4 years already (Supercarrier)?

    • Like 10
  3. 43 minutes ago, AeroGator said:

    EU – on arrival of the sea shipment (already on the way); airlift option is also open;

    What is airlift in that context? Is there asian store like aliexpress where it can be ordered?
    And yes - nice, very nice. Looking forward to get to next phase(s).

  4. I did not use my jeatseat for a while, plugged it recently and found two motors (2,3 - middle ones) does not work. Did firmware reset couple of time with no luck. All pins inside plug are fine. Then I opened control box and found black wire on the output USB cable is not connected at all. There are marks of soldering on that wire, however I can't see if it was connected to any wire going inside cable's colar. Might it be the reason motors does not work?


  5. 38 minutes ago, Flextremes said:

    How did you measure? You will not see fps increases, but both CPU and GPU frame times, performance headroom, and stutter reduction are massively improved. It is just so much better. I did not notice any degradation in LOD and viewing distances. It is almost dumbfounding you cannot notice the improvements. Did you start the DCS.exe from the Bin-MT folder?

    Well pretty much every time I got less than 90 fps in sp I was GPU bound. I don't expect multithreading to make any noticeable difference in SP with this setup. Perhaps I should state it more clear than I did - my apologies.

    In terms of LOD - I did not degrade but actually seem to be improved based on what I have seen so far. Terrain seems to be more complex, sharp and pronounced now even at high alt (I refer only to terrain ones). I don't see anyone else reporting this so I'm wondering if it is patch forced some sort of cleanup/shaders rebuild or what not.

  6. 4090 + 5800x3D user - did not notice any performance difference in single-player. Did not tried MP yet - it should be the place of most (positive) impact of the patch. However I did notice something surprisingly odd: took a ride in my test mission on Syria starting at 35k near Israel - cities seem to be more detailed at that altitude than it used to be before. I mean city at 35k is no longer uniform flat grayish mess, but somewhat similar to city with blocks of buildings. Not sure if they adjusted LODs for terrain or it is my Friday's pint... I did not tried any other map/location so far. Did anyone notice any visual difference in terms of LODs at high altitude?

  7. I've built new PC recently with 5800X3D and 360 AIO (top-mounted). It did not make any noticeable difference in terms of CPU temp if fans blow cooler air from inside thru the rad or hotter air from the case thru the rad. It was idling at 40ish, in-game temps around 65ish. So I ended up using layout which makes most sense to me - don't introduce more heat into the system and blow air out of it thru the rad (probably at the cost of slightly higher rpm of fans&pump which I can tolerate). What made real difference - undervolting CPU with -30 offset: solid 10-15 degree drop.

    Edit: makes sense also as long as more fans blow air in than blow it out which is still case for me even with 3x blowing out at the top.

  8. Most likely it is speed of animation for virtual collective. I noticed there’s visual delay/dampening how virtual controls in cockpit move compared to the hardware movement. Try to enable in-game controller’s axis overlay and see if those dots follow your hardware movements.

    • Like 2
  9. It's EA, I know.. There's tons of work to make textures decent, so far it looks terrible at 5k, somewhat okay at 20k. Can't imagine flying in helo in this low-poly minecraftish low-alt world.
    Not complaining though, just sharing concerns. I like this map, it has very new and unique to DCS terrain and has great potential for engaging scenarios. Hopefully it will not take 5 more years to finalize it..

    • Like 6
  10. Also make sure you have HAGS turned off in windows settings. It was the case for me when I upgraded to win 11 - hags became turned on and I was experiencing 70-80% GPU util instead of ~100%. After I turned it off - it went back to ~100% gpu util. Pretty sure it was the case for win10 as well.

  11. I tried this hack in couple of SP missions - jester wheel was working fine, but comms seemed to be messed up - I was not able to communicate with ATC via Vaicom, only game menu. Though I'm not too sure if it was hack's fault or just me - I'm relatively new user of plugin and learning the ropes - there's pretty big chance I messed up something.

    If it is technically possible to have original wheel and use AIRIO - why not to add such option? Looks like many users would like to use HB wheel from time to time (especially waiting for new functions to be added to the plugin). Even having wheel blinking for fraction of a second why using voice commands is more than acceptable to my mind. What is not acceptable - having pretty much hacky hardcoded wheel which makes the whole plane to disappear. I believe it would be more than even trade.

  12. Белго проверил утром - между 50% и 80% разница в F-16 заметная. Проверял по надписям. Уверен что и раньше проверял в том числе 40-50-60%, но остановился в итоге на 90%. Полагаю что были те же результаты на около-50% разрешениях - размытые надписи.

  13. I usually fix it by alttabbing from DCs to other window(Fullscreen file explorer for instance), do several clicks there, win+y x2 (though not sure if it helps), then minimize explorer, focus dcs, enjoy. My explanation for it - game stutters during load of the aircraft and wmr being total piece of dogfood treats dcs as being inactive and sort of limits it's fps or whatever. Just my guess.

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