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  1. It's a very minor bug, but somehow escort and Fighter Sweep have changed in SUM_dloadoutFile. In addition, Action.Text doesn't seem to work from the 2nd mission after the latest patch. This could be my fault so I'm not sure.
  2. I wrote the airport name as Thalah in the db_airbases file, but I will change it to Tha lah. thank you.
  3. Hello. This error occurred while playing my own Syria mission. So I checked the MissionEventsLog.lua and it seems to be a name issue for Tha'lah airport. Is there any way to handle this > ' ???? Syrian map seems to have a lot of problems making missions with DCE.
  4. Hi, there seems to be an error in the DEBRIEF_StatsEvaluation file. line 244 - if not ddb_airbases[events[e].place].logistic then
  5. I set a trigger on the target and got it with the trigger coordinates. But looking at the log recorded that the Khalkhalah AB 11 was destroyed, I don't think it's a coordinate issue.
  6. As in the screenshot, I set the coordinates in the scenery object(original hangars) of the Syria map. Below is part of my targetlist_init file. ["Khalkhalah Airbase"] = { task = "Strike", priority = 4, -- picture = {"Khalkhalah Airbase.png"}, attributes = {"Fortification"}, firepower = { min = 8, max = 14, }, inactive = false, elements = { [1] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 1", y = 52302.45703125, x = -216190.828125, }, [2] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 2", y = 52220.23828125, x = -216059.4375, }, [3] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 3", y = 52361.17578125, x = -215890.234375, }, [4] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 4", y = 52282.6484375, x = -215749.3125, }, [5] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 5", y = 52575.3828125, x = -215613.75, }, [6] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 6", y = 52690.5078125, x = -215734.453125, }, [7] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 7", y = 52718.45703125, x = -215865.140625, }, [8] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 8", y = 52820.9921875, x = -215884.875, }, [9] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 9", y = 53551.921875, x = -218481.640625, }, [10] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 10", y = 53658.796875, x = -218598.171875, }, [11] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 11", y = 53828.62890625, x = -218566.0625, }, [12] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 12", y = 54069.36328125, x = -218393.734375, }, [13] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 13", y = 54182.140625, x = -218351.34375, }, [14] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 14", y = 54179.79296875, x = -218107.125, }, [15] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 15", y = 57030.55859375, x = -218049.96875, }, [16] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 16", y = 57158.42578125, x = -217758.671875, }, [17] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 17", y = 57292.96484375, x = -217983.046875, }, [18] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 18", y = 57480.296875, x = -217854.015625, }, [19] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 19", y = 57655.3515625, x = -217715.5625, }, [20] = { name = "Khalkhalah AB 20", y = 57674.6953125, x = -217923.03125, }, }, },
  7. Sorry for my lack of explanation. First of all, On the attached map, the ID of hangarcoverd-1 at Khalkhalah Airport is 100042594, and if you look at the Debriefing file, you will see that I set the object to Khalkhalah AB 11. And if you look at the scen_destroyed.lua file, [100042594] = { ['y'] = 711.14953613281, ['x'] = -218565.921875, ['lasthit'] = 'Pack 10 - 110 SQN - Strike 1-3', ['z'] = 53828.21484375, ['health0'] = 800, the target is recorded as being destroyed, and looking at the MissionEventsLog.lua file, [162] = { ['type'] = 'hit', ['initiator'] = 'Pack 10 - 110 SQN - Strike 1-3', ['target'] = 100042594, ['t'] = 2573.897, ['initiatorMissionID'] = '100049', }, [163] = { ['t'] = 2573.897, ['type'] = 'dead', ['initiator'] = 100042594, }, Likewise, it is recorded that the missile hit the target and the target was destroyed. However, the Debriefing file records Khalkhalah AB 11 as undestroyed, as are 15, 17, and 20.
  8. How about doing this instead of 0? table.insert(route, {x = basePoint.x, y = basePoint.y, id = "Land", alt = basePoint.h})
  9. Hello~ Another question regarding the destruction of the sceneryobjet. If you look at the log file I attached, it is confirmed that 12 targets have been destroyed, but targets 11, 15, 17, and 20 are missing in the Debriefing file, and only 8 targets are recorded as being destroyed. The targets are 20EA hangars at Khalkhalah Airport. Similar problems occur with other targets. If you have a solution please let me know MissionEventsLog.lua scen_destroyed.lua Debriefing 1.txt
  10. Actually I don't know lua script at all. lol I thought 400km was just a comment. Please modify it again for DCE.
  11. I don't know if I fixed it properly. ATO_ThreatEvaluation.lua DC_Prune.lua
  12. Hello! Can NASAMS and S-200 be added to the ATO_ThreatEvaluation file in the next patch? I'm sorry that you're busy, and I'm always grateful.
  13. Hello. The Syria campaign has been completed with the addition of Turkish and Israeli posts as of January 2020. However, since the S-200 was added in yesterday's patch, I'm modifying it again to place the S-200 in the correct location. But the problem is that my campaign is based on the mission https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/243078-syrian-air-defence-network-2012-full-bonus-content using the Skynet-IADS script, so 120 SAMs Because of this existence, a minimum of 64G of RAM is required to run a mission without skynet scripts in DCE. Therefore, it is difficult to release because it is necessary to test whether it is possible to add Skynet scripts to DCE and also have permission from DCE creators and Skynet mission creators.
  14. Due to the 5 mega limit, I upload files excluding first.miz, ongoing.miz, and image files. It's made for personal use, so it's low quality. Campaigns.zip
  15. Upon checking, it is confirmed that the airdromeId is pushed one by one from akrotiri. thank you.
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