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  1. I keep getting this on game launch after I log in. My only bought module, the F-15C, is not available for use as a player and it doesn't appear in the bottom left of the home screen. The game also gets stuck loading the module manager page. Anyone else with this problem? (Also sorry for placing this in the multiplayer section, by accident)
  2. How do I do that?
  3. The past few hours I can't seem to be able to open up DCS. Whenever I double click the icon, it shows the splash screen, then shows something about the free products I tested during the free to play period (I skip those, that's not the problem since yesterday it popped up but the game run fine) and then the game gets stuck in the screen with the logo and the black space around. This has happened many times before, but I was just able to kill and then restart the game and it opened perfectly fine. Now I kill the program and reopen it but it keeps getting stuck. Please help.
  4. Hello, I have the same problem with some other people, that I cannot access F1 view on the MQ9 mod. The problem is, I have checked and my DCS is up to date with the latest version. I really need help because this mod has such potential.
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