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About borja.abadc

  • Birthday 04/15/1987

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World | X-Plane 11
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation
  • Occupation
    Engineer | Naval Architect and 3D modeller
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  1. I thought WP's were necessary . Very detailed information from your side. All are very clear now. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you very much. Everything is quite clear to me. However, it makes no sense for me to work on the charts with magnetic headings if they will become invalid due to the magnetic variation in the future. I understand therefore that when using magnetic headings I must set the magnetic variation of the Mirage to 0° in the selector (CAL) as magnetic course is already given in the charts. Sure, for ILS it is not necessary to have the coordinates about the airport runway, but to see the synthetic runway in the Mirage's HUD I need them and should be as accurate as possible. Thanks a lot for the kneeboard. Only a comment: They have the magnetic headings NOT the true headings.
  3. Hi guys. I'm flying the M-2000c recently and I've noticed that the true heading and coordinates for the airbases don't match between the charts (Kneeboard) and the F10 map. For the ILS in autopilot mode is should be important. I understand that the charts are out of date and only the F10 map should be taken into account for this purpose. For Nevada maps is the same. Should this be something to correct or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi guys, In the official checklist by Razbam appears 16. Payload check (PRESS switch) as you can see in the attached screenshot. Could someone tell me where this switch is because I can't find it. Thanks
  5. Hello everyone, I would like to know your feedback about the AI skills. I have decided to leave this amazing campaign on ACE skill because it is really impossible to beat any jetfighter, but after trying it in Rooky difficult the flight model in jet fighters is hard as hell as a UFO(I have a lot of hours in my pocket in F5 and I am quite proficient). I don't know if ED has planned to update this behaviour because it's ridiculous even at low AI levels.
  6. In the game everything happens fast so it's hard to say but my feedback is good most of the time. Some of them I could be wrong, but after more than 100 engagements I think that some impacts are not being taken into account.
  7. Hello guys, Attached you can find some screenshots about impacts no recognized. I believe that no further explanation is necessary because the images are clear. If the campaign is really chalenging in ACE IA with this bug becomes impossible to defeat. It is very frustrating! ;)
  8. Thanks a lot for the OB update! Problem was fixed. No hard restrictions deck any more.
  9. Hi, breaks deck limit is not removing yet. It is quite unfair that IA has not hard deck restrictions. Campaign is really amazing and challenging therefore same conditions for fighter jets would be necessary. Could you please fix the problem or remove the hard deck restrictions? Thanks in advanced
  10. Hello guys, TACAN in A/A REC and T/R is not working when I try to contact with tanker for Air Refueling. (TACAN is 5X) Thanks in advance.
  11. Hola, Estoy volando en DCS con el A10C y básicamente utilizo el Voice Attack para las comunicaciones por radio y únicamente tengo configurada de forma básica las teclas que van del F1 al F12 por voz para así no tener que soltar las manos del HOTAS seleccionado con el ratón la F correspondiente en las opciones de comunicación. El problema es que con el TrackIR por defecto viene asignado que se pause el movimiento de la cabeza con la tecla F9 y cuando estoy en comunicaciones de radio si tengo que seleccionar un opción asignada a la tecla F9 cuando digo por voz "F9" lógicamente también desactiva o pausa el TrackIR, además de realizar la comunicación correspondiente asignada a esa tecla correctamente. Mi pregunta es si hay alguna manera de evitar este problema por ejemplo no dando permisos a través del Voice Attack al TrackIR por ejemplo cada vez que diga F9 ? No sé si estoy explicando bien... Se que podria reasignar otra tecla al TrackIR, pero esto me pasa con otras teclas y antes de tomar esa solución igual se puede solucionar de otra manera. Muchas gracias y un saludo.
  12. Try to shoot the flares above 2000 and below 4000 feet and not only one at a time (two or more flares increase your illumination). Remember that you have a very limited time (about 3 or 4 minutes) to knock down the remaining targets so it is advisable to have killed all possible targets with the AI flares. I spent a lot of time practicing it to pass the final mission. You can check Recon Stewart:
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