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  1. Gunfreak's post in Full fidelity F-15C Eagle is finally coming to DCS! was marked as the answer   
    If we only get one. I hope it's the early one. Desert storm was the last hurrah for US air to air combat and the F15C was the undisputed champion 
  2. Gunfreak's post in F-16 campaigns was marked as the answer   
    The F16 wasn't really in the state to be used in Campaigns until relatively recently. There's 3 Campaigns out now. And a 4th on the way
  3. Gunfreak's post in [No Bug] Damage Model :/ was marked as the answer   
    This is what my F4 looked like after flying through/into a hail of 23 and 57mm ground fire.

  4. Gunfreak's post in How to decrease braking power with a brake lever? was marked as the answer   
    Tap, tap tap. Is the only way. 
    When I flew with the authentikit stick. 
    The break was a nice axis. Very smooth to use. 
  5. Gunfreak's post in How to do boom tanker refuelling camera view (track replay) was marked as the answer   
    that will let you make views like this
  6. Gunfreak's post in What about existing campaigns ? was marked as the answer   
  7. Gunfreak's post in Weapons control, post-George was marked as the answer   
    Yeah WAS the gun. Arm on, safety off. And probably smart to set ranging to Auto.
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