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  1. Returning to the Hog after a LONG time. I'd really like to get into some MP at some point, just wondering how viable the jet is in some of the more popular servers? I really like the idea of clearing out a bunch of SAM's so friendlies can make a strike, stuff like that.
  2. Does this actually train you? Or does it assume you already know how to fly the A-10A?
  3. Before DCS World, I had an X52 Pro Profile that used the ministick to slew in DCS A-10 and Blackshark 2. Now it doesn't work in DCS world, I'm assuming because control assignments have changed. Does anyone have a working profile?
  4. This looks fantastic.. wish I had some skills to participate!
  5. I think they are entitled to a vacation like everyone else, no?
  6. As the subject says, just looking for a good profile for my X-52 pro. I would program it myself, but I don't really know what keys to include.
  7. Folks, how does one check FPS in game?
  8. I have no idea what it did.. but my loadtimes are insanely quick now!
  9. I"m confused, are the checklists included? I can't find them anywhere.
  10. Thanks all, stupid me didn't realize the Free Flight - Ramp Start is absolutely perfect. I've been running it over and over, and everything is sinking in. I can successfully start the bird up, take off, naviagate and perform an ILS landing using Divert. I guess I wasn't super clear in my post, I have done the training missions but want to practice what I've learned without the cueing. I will check out those Maple Flag missions.
  11. Looking to just get the basics down, i.e. Ramp Start, Takeoff, Navigation, Landing. Are there any missions around that just do this?
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