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About Oxman

  • Birthday January 20

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  1. SilentSierra - I hope you have gotten your money back. I know the Wonwar MFDs cost more, but they are a quality product and you do not need to buy the TM Cougars. This is was I went with after this terrible experience.
  2. Lynchsl62 - absolutely love it. I had a couple of issues with the setup, but Andrea from M_UFC was a huge help. We had a Teams meeting and resolved the issue... what I have come to learn through this experience is it is not only the product, but the aftersales service which is just as important - I feel a number of simmers are purely motivated by price alone. The unit is so well made, so I am sure you will love it too.
  3. I thought I would give you guys an update as I have finished setting my rig up. I have wired the system to run the USB hub and MFDs of the one PSU, so 1 switch brings the whole system online. Also, I have begun tweaking my settings and have got the FPS up to 94-110... A few more tweaks and I can clean the rig up. I have attached photos for reference. I am so pleased that I went with the Wonwar screens. When you factor in the purchase cost of the TM Cougars that you need with the Cubsim product, for me there was approx. AUD$300 difference for the 3 screens with the Wonwar quality being far superior. To me, the $300 for no grief, no waiting and having excellent aftersales service has been worth every cent.
  4. I would run a mile from Cubesim. I am sure he started out with good intentions and he is not managing expectation at all, but it does sound like the "wheels have fallen off" recently... the negative feedback is growing. My experience with Wonwar is far superior, even though I broke a USB input board I have received the replace yesterday - no charge. That is service.
  5. Hey Canlenkrow - did you buy through Paypal? Just get your money back and forget about this guy... he is useless. Go have a look at the Wonwar screens!
  6. I was messed around by Cubesim also, pushed back 4 times. Below are 2 screenshots of my last interaction with Cubsim, it was totally bizarre! Please note, he was able to divert the screens to another customer "allegedly" so he did not lose the screens and PayPal refunded my money. He really needs to stop taking orders and sort this mess out.
  7. Sorry guys, I am still put my sim pit together, so I have the screens up on my desk ATM - excuse the cables. I am also runnning the F18MFDColour Mod now... it has made the screens so much clearer. Last evening, tragedy struck as I have ripped the micro USB connection out of one of the screens. My fault, but my advice to any buyer is be very gentle when removing the cable. I contacted the seller, they responded straightaway and they have arranged another internal board to be sent for $39 USD plus shipping. Their aftersales support is amazing... day to night when compared to Cubesim. Also, the F/A-18 version of these MDF's have a larger display, so anyone thinking of making a purchase should consider look at that model also. I wanted the F-16 style screens as I had based my sim pit design around the TM Cougars. I hope the photos are a little better.
  8. These are the Wonwar F-16 screens - the photos do not do them justice! After the complete fuck around from Cubesim, this buying experience is 1000% better. Link below: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002817831123.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1f8355a7utcVtK&algo_pvid=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8&algo_exp_id=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000022330727077"}
  9. These are the Wonwar F-16 screens - the photos do not do them justice! After the complete fuck around from Cubesim, this buying experience is 1000% better. Link below: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002817831123.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1f8355a7utcVtK&algo_pvid=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8&algo_exp_id=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000022330727077"}
  10. No problems Rapid - from all reports that I have read, they are professionally made. My order has arrived in Australia, so hopefully it wont be too much longer till I get my hands on them.
  11. Hey Rapid, Cubesim have been redirected to another customer (returned) and I have Wonwar screens on order... apologies for the confusion! Link below: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002817831123.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1f8355a7utcVtK&algo_pvid=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8&algo_exp_id=92ec93c1-ab14-4d43-832f-8cbda1a957f8-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000022330727077"} Not cheap, but they have F/A-18 and F-16 versiuon available. The sellers has great comms and if you look at the various sellers with Wonwar screens, the reviews are overall very positive.
  12. Hey Rapid, It has now been resolved... luckily he was able to re-direct the shipping. I was worried it was going to be a real mess but it has now resolved itself. Just waiting on the Winwor screens to arrive.
  13. This has got more bizarre now. Paypal have refunded the money and then the next day Cubesim claim he shipped the screens! The Fedex number he provide was Hong Kong->NSW, Australia... which is the wrong side of the country! So he had obiviously given me someone elses tracking number. Then he message back and gave another shipping number, now from DHL which appears to be legit as it says Hong Kong->Perth, Australia where I live. Then another message came thorough and he was in a panic as he realised Paypal refunded the money. Now he cannot recall the goods, so he has asked me to pay for the shipping to send to another customer... I have told him after the 4 broken promised delvery dates, endless pushbacks, no reponse to the Paypal dispute, and it took 3 goes to supply the correct tracking number, my trust is broken. I told him I need sometime to think of a solution, as I am not going to take his goods without some sort of payment... but I have never experienced anything like this before. I have screenshots of the conversation on messenger, just in case anyone in the DCS commmunity thought I was a crack pot or being vindictive. I am not trying to drive him out of business, but buyers need to be aware of what exactly they are getiing into. On FB groups, I had a couple of guys claiming I was being unfair as he is Tawian, I have confirmed Cubesim is Chinese based. Australia to china is not that long for shipping as China is our biggest trading partner and we have no shipping issues like the north hemisphere. I am certainly not trying to drive him out of business, but I am providing the material facts of my buying experience.
  14. Paypal have closed the case and issued a refund - Cubesim did even bother to respond.
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