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  1. Greetings, I got DCS and the Viper a few years ago but haven't put much effort into it. Now that the latest build has the ability to remove the pointers and a few other features, (although the current build is bugged and doesn't work) I wanted to start looking at DCS again with the F-16. I'm just wondering if anybody that has a Quest 3 has been able to manage the cockpit with just hand tracking. Thanks for your feedback.
  2. Well darn. I don't have the Oculus software installed. I hope that isn't a requirement. I have; Falcon BMS, The 7th Guest, Myst, Riven, Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, The Talos Principle VR, and a host of other games on this rig and all work fine without the Oculus software. Bummer.
  3. New patch DCS DCS (digitalcombatsimulator.com) still doesn't fix my controller issue. Quest 3. Tried DCSW/MT in both OpenXR and SteamVR. No interaction at all. I'm using Virtual Desktop and have tried all manner of settings, input, dances and thrown the chicken bones. Nothing.
  4. Greetings, I currently run DCS in VR. I have a HOTAS that's configured as a Cougar Throttle with a TUSBA R2 connector and Warthog Stick. It's working as expected. The only issue I have is that sometimes there's a need to use the keyboard to get some tasks done. There was a way using Foxy back in the day to create scripts in order to allow for shifted sequences. Such as holding down the S3 button and pulling up on the throttle comms would invoke a command to an external view say. Is it possible to get something like this working with the current set up I have? I appreciate any feedback and comments about this. Thanks, -Matt
  5. Thanks for the information. I've been testing out the usage. I found that I can set up a specific kneeboard per aircraft. Is it possible to set up kneeboards per map? I found some kneeboard charts and freqs and such and also want to add some ILS procedures. Is there a way to load specific to a map? If so how would you do that? Also, is there a way to persist pin's across sessions so I don't have to pin specific bookmarks each time I start up? Thanks again for the info. -Matt
  6. Greetings, I've been looking at some posts about the kneeboard feature and was wondering if this feature is enabled in VR. If not how do people get at airport/ATC freq data? Thanks, -Matt
  7. Greetings all, I've been using 2D pits with TrackIR for quite a while. Not that I'm in the VR pit I'm not 100% sure where the correct viewpoint is. Does anybody have some techniques on how they get set up in VR? Thanks, -Matt
  8. Greetings, My first Falcon experience was on an Atari ST c.1988/89. It was awesome and I've been a fan ever since. I've recently migrated to VR for all my flight sim needs (MSFS202, X-Plane) I wasn't aware DCS had an F-16 VR pit until a few days ago. So I downloaded the Steam version and gave it a go. I'm a serious newbie when it comes to DCS. I think the DCS F-16 is a real treat and just love it. I've dusted off my Thrustmaster TQS with the TUSBA R2 and Warthog stick. Added the Buttkicker Gamer 2 and it's really something. I think the developers are doing an excellent job and I'd like to say "Thanks for the hard work.". This reminds me of the Falcon 4 days and the SP deployments. I remember how exciting it was when SP3(4? 5?) came out and had the multi-colored MFD symbiology. Good times for sure. I'm really looking forward to being a part of the upgrades as this fine aircraft continues development. Thanks, -Matt
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