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  1. I think that is only for classified stuff
  2. A huge missed opportunity for a plane that has seen so many upgrades, it would have been amazing if they went the same route as the f-1 and did multiple versions. But I guess they would need more then 7000 man hours for that lol
  3. I don't care they didn't listen to the community at all
  4. This Update should have been free or given us more features!
  5. Its not even worth tbe upgrade, free mods will give you more then this $10 version. This shoukd have been free.
  6. This update sucks, ok the art is great but they should have included a little more or lower the price to $4.99
  7. Thank you I will try it out tonight
  8. For the life of me I cant get sparrows to work, I set up some flights with transport aircraft and and chasing them around the sky using the dogfight mode yet I still cant fire the missile. All the you tube guys I have watched make it look easy. If this is how the real aircraft really was then In real life the guys that switched to the tomcat must have been incredibly impressed. Thanks for any insight
  9. I did some digging and the Aim9B, J,P,P3 are Silent when locked so that was my one problem
  10. Just wondering because on some of the instant action mission it does not seem to work. I now have alot more respect for the guys that flew these old jets, so many things we take for granted now.
  11. if the IRST is the problem then just fake it, I am sure people could live with something not being 100%
  12. OMG Heatblur made my day!
  13. Just read the latest news and cant wait to get my hands on another fantastic product, was just wondering if the new jester V2 will be added to the tomcat in the future?
  14. Hey guys I currently have a vpc warbird its nice except for the mushy buttons, looking at the win wing for a more realistic option but that suction cup base wont work on my desk and I don't want to desk mount it so was just wondering if there was any options out there.
  15. I never noticed this before but then again I have not flown the A in a few weeks.
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