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About 74DELTA

  • Birthday 12/28/1975

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    Old School Falcon 3.0 driver
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  1. Follow up question for you scripting Gods. Will the following structure work to send a different text message to the individual for each different group killed. Not sure how to build that structure properly, but hopefully it's close enough to understand my intent. Thanks. local u = mist.getUnitsInZones(mist.makeUnitTable({'[all]'}), {'alphatriggerzone'}) for i = 1, #u do local _uName = Unit.getName(u[i]) if (Group.getByName('Mig1') and Group.getByName('Mig1'):getSize() < 1) or not Group.getByName('Mig1') then trigger.action.outText("Good Kill ".. _uName, 2, false) else (Group.getByName('Mig2') and Group.getByName('Mig2'):getSize() < 1) or not Group.getByName('Mig1') then trigger.action.outText("Well Done ".. _uName, 2, false) else (Group.getByName('Mig3') and Group.getByName('Mig3'):getSize() < 1) or not Group.getByName('Mig1') then trigger.action.outText("Almost There ".. _uName, 2, false) else (Group.getByName('Mig4') and Group.getByName('Mig4'):getSize() < 1) or not Group.getByName('Mig1') then trigger.action.outText("Way to go! ".. _uName, 2, false) else (Group.getByName('Mig5') and Group.getByName('Mig5'):getSize() < 1) or not Group.getByName('Mig1') then trigger.action.outText("Evolution Completed! ".. _uName, 2, false) end
  2. I had a similar problem to solve and found my solution using the "grabber.lua" from this thread. I don't think it's exactly what you need, but could get you pointed in the right direction. hope that helps.
  3. To accomplish what I needed, the following snippet does work as "requested". Basically for a ring event, when a player is participating in a trigger zone that encompasses the ring event which consists of 5 waves of enemy aircraft, this script identifies the player by unit and sends only them the text message. Thanks for the help! local u = mist.getUnitsInZones(mist.makeUnitTable({'[all]'}), {'alphatriggerzone'}) for i = 1, #u do local _uName = Unit.getName(u[i]) trigger.action.outText("Good Kill ".. _uName, 2, false) end That is all. thanks!
  4. missed that, thanks will give it a go and update thread.
  5. Hey Guys, I am trying to display text to a player, or group of players that are within a trigger zone while not displaying the text to players who are not in the specified trigger zone. The script works to display the text as requested but it goes out to all players on the server instead of just the folks in the trigger zone. trying to fix that. As a bonus I cant get the script to play a sound using , ""trigger.action.outSound( file.ogg )"" but that's more of a wish list thing if anyone wants to help. Just found maybe I need to add path to the sound file? "add 'l10n/DEFAULT/'" ? function unitsInZone() local allBlueAircraft = coalition.getGroups(2, 0) -- (1=RED 2=BLUE, 0==AIRCRAFT) local zone = trigger.misc.getZone("CharlieNotice1") for i, group in pairs(allBlueAircraft) do if group ~= nil and group:isExist() == true then local units = group:getUnits() for _i, unit in pairs(units) do local uPos = unit:getPoint() if (((uPos.x - zone.point.x)^2 + (uPos.z - zone.point.z)^2)^0.5 <= zone.radius) then local unitName = unit:getName() trigger.action.outText("Nice flying!: "..unitName, 15) trigger.action.outSound( unitName , Alpha1.ogg ) --other functions can be run here too. end end end end --timer.scheduleFunction(unitsInZone, nil, timer.getTime() + 3) --will run the function every three seconds for the entirety of the mission end unitsInZone() --initiates the function Thanks for any and all assistance.
  6. Looking for assistance; since the update yesterday 22 FEB 2024 my open beta dedicated server is not seen on the multiplayer server list, users cannot connect to IP direct either. I updated the local open beta DCS client to current. ( Executed some number or restarts/reboots of the software and hardware EDs link to the "modular" dedicated server install is no longer available so no update for server code to rev. but of course can see other multiplayer servers in the list so what am i missing please? TIA.
  7. You sir, are brilliant! I am a scripting newb and have been working with MOOSE and MIST for days to get my idea to work, looks like you did that over a lunch break. Many Thanks!
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