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  1. Sorry one more Q i have 2 mission i switch between maybe 1/2 way through should i set the save path different for each mission ?
  2. Ahhh prefect many thanks - Love SPGG has made our missions 10000% more interesting being able to save CTLD stuff !
  3. Prefect many thanks for your help
  4. Is there a way I can reset the TPOD to my HUD i.e in front of me as sometimes i lose where it is and need it in front of me to target Thanks
  5. Any idea why it does not Save a FARP ? i added FARP to CTLD but it does not seem to save it ? Cheers
  6. Thank you so much , very much appreciated !!
  7. I am trying to spice up flying the Hueys and other choppers in a mission so it would randomly spawn a few guys in front of you with AK's to take potshots at us, does anyone have a scripts out there that does this kind of thing and willing to share ? Many thanks
  8. Just checking if i use the below and add in spgg.save() to the function it should force a save ? i just wanted to be able to force a save now and again just in case a server restart . function ctld.listFOBS(_args) local _msg = "FOB Positions:" local _heli = ctld.getTransportUnit(_args[1]) spgg.save() if _heli == nil then return -- no heli! end -- get fob positions local _fobs = ctld.getSpawnedFobs(_heli) -- now check spawned fobs for _, _fob in ipairs(_fobs) do _msg = string.format("%s\nFOB @ %s", _msg, ctld.getFOBPositionString(_fob)) end if _msg == "FOB Positions:" then ctld.displayMessageToGroup(_heli, "Sorry, there are no active FOBs!", 20) else ctld.displayMessageToGroup(_heli, _msg, 20) end end
  9. Perfect many thanks, also is there a way to just save Blue and not Red or would that be the same add in a prefix to all red units and exclude them ? Basically I am just trying to save blue CTLD units nothings else its on a Foothold Mission that I have modified and added CTLD and trying to just save those units / Farps - as Foothold saves the zones and units in the zones and is using Mist to spawn. If that makes sense
  10. I only need CTLD spawns to be saved no other units on the map in our missions - is this possible ? Many thanks
  11. Is there a way to just save Units that have a special Group name i.e only save units that are called "Groupsave_" so anything else it will just ignore ?
  12. Thank you so much for the details reply , makes a lot of sense so used to flying the Av8B where I select the WP i need to go to
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