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Posts posted by mbucchia

  1. 10 hours ago, Fish said:

    Would it not be plausible to take a render resolution, which ensures you are generally not CPU bound, and carry out bench mark with the crystal

    The thing you need to understand is that quad views is going to **increase** your CPU utilization, regardless of FFR or DFR. That should be your primary concern. FFR vs DFR is a secondary concern and is more about how sensitive you are to peripheral view degradation. There is also the Pimax OpenVR FR, which will cost you no CPU, but will provide much smaller gains on the GPU. With this one there is 0 difference in performance between FFR and DFR.

    For short there is no "somebody please benchmark it for me", because too many variables.

    You can test out the impact of both quad views or Pimax OpenVR FR today by installing the Quad-Views-Foveated tool or the PimaxMagic4All tool respectively. You can configure the resolution to get close to what you'd get with the headset you are eyeing. This will give you a much better idea of what it will look like.

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  2. 8 hours ago, WipeUout said:

    Yeah great, but this is until some update screws PimaxXR since it is not supported anymore by @mbucchia...  Pimax needs to support OpenXR natively without the need for this PimaxXR runtine from a third party.  @mbucchia created this workaround for free and updated it 15 times, but not anymore. Feels like we have a Damocles sword over every DCS Pimax users.

    You're being a little too pessimistic  🙂

    the Pimax API is stable and their PVR client is versioned in a way that older clients (such as PimaxXR) won't break on that front. Plenty of software works this way. It's been over a year now right (?) since last PimaxXR update, and nothing broke (EDIT: OK more like 8 months)

    the other day I heard someone on reddit getting DCS + QVFR working on a Varjo VR-1, that's software that hasn't been updated in years either. Same for WMR, I think I was the last person to push an update over a year ago, and it's still fine.

    Pimas has many incentives to keep PimaxXR working through their updates, since otherwise y'all would riot lol. Worse that can happen is some side effect or issue they can solve themselves in another update of Pimax Play, without even touching PimaxXR.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Qcumber said:

    Fantastic. That's what I had hoped was going to happen. Any idea on timeline? 

    Probably not the next update (which is multi-monitor) but the one after that.

    One big challenge is unfortunately the incompatibility with many of the OpenXR tools out there like OpenXR Toolkit or OBSMirror and the lack of toggle in DCS for quad views... means it won't be enabled by default and require a user toggle in Virtual Desktop. Otherwise <profanity>'s gonna hit the fan if it's enabled by default.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Qcumber said:

    OpenXR 1.1 enabled implementation of QVFR but this is something that meta do not appear to be interested in. 

    Fwiw, I said it my other post "there is no indication they will support it in 1.1", but it's just a guess. We might might be pleasantly surprised. I highly doubt it though.

    Looks to me like they only care about standalone in their strategy (and unarguably there are good reasons for that).

    IMO best thing that would happen to us is them 100% abandoning Quest Link (as in: it's not available at all). This way something innovative and cared for, like Virtual Desktop, becomes the new standard and sets the bar. Virtual Desktop already has the features you want, without Developer Mode limitations. Virtual Desktop will soon have quad views support out-of-the-box without the need for any mod.

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  5. 2 hours ago, koen330 said:

    OpenXR 1.1 is out.

    Is this something we can update ourself, or has this to be implemented by DCS or VR headset manufacturers?

    The news you've seen is about the OpenXR _standard_ being updated to 1.1.

    This is similar to something like "a new version of DirectX was released" - with either new or more integrated capabilities.

    Vendors will start rolling out new OpenXR runtimes - integrated to their platform - similar to how drivers would be updated for new DirectX version.

    Application developers (such as ED) have the opportunity to start using these new capabilities by writing new code. It's not likely to start happening before the roll-out phase above is in motion (which it isn't really today).

    End-to-end, a majority of the things announced for 1.1 were already possible in 1.0, such as the quad views foveated rendering that DCS already implements today. They are now more standard and slightly easier to use, but they still require efforts both on the platform vendors to implement (eg: Meta, the most important vendor, does not support quad views foveated rendering in 1.0 and there is no evidence yet that they will in 1.1) and the app developers to utilize (and thankfully ED does support quad views foveated rendering, if the platform supports it).

    • Like 5
  6. SteamVR has 2 levels of settings for a few of the options (include motion smoothing): the global setting and the per-game override. Have you double-checked that your per-game setting doesn't override motion smoothing to off specifically for DCS?

  7. 2 hours ago, modsat said:

    I recently got a Pimax Crystal. I followed online guides for best settings. Doing this I have installed Quad-Views-Foveated etc. It works great but I have an issue. Often when I look at the sky I can actually see the Foveated area. That is I can see the high-rez box move around tracking my eyes. It's only when looking at the sky. Looking in the cockpit or at the ground it is invisible. So far I've just ignored it since it's mostly an issue at high aspec. I'm still in awe of the visuals in the headset, loving every second in the sim. But I would like to know if this is a common issue, and if there is a known fix for it? Maybe I've screwed up some settings somehow.

    ED needs to fix this. Their lighting shaders are broken when using quad views, it's been like that for 18+ months unfortunately.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Aries Avenger said:

    To all Meta / Oculus users . . . noteworthy discoveries!!!
    - DCS 2.8 stopped supporting OpenXR runtime and introduce their own version built in the game.
    - YouTubers failed to mention this fact and was not "more" clearly stated by Eagle Dynamics going forward.
    - If you created a shortcut for DCS Open Beta from the bin-mt and added --force_unable_VR --force_OpenXR as instructed by many Tubers you probably had a lot of stuttering and performance issues. 
    - Reason: Both OpenXR and DCS's runtime were active and working against each other.
    - Now Meta Quest Link updates to 63.0.0 (Not the same thing as the HMD update 63.xx.xx.xx) and no longer supports OpenXR and does not recognize the DCS version either. Thus, the crashes we are all seeing.

    Support for this observation: This conclusion is based on the many days of reading DCS and Meta forums/support teams and Reddit. I have over 15 years of Software Release Management and testing and can read between the lines. Point is, this may not be entirely accurate due to non-disclosed talks and info but I am confident it is accurate based on the given information. 

    Sorry but no. There are so many completely wrong statements here.

    > DCS 2.8 stopped supporting OpenXR runtime and introduce their own version built in the game.

    No. DCS still supports OpenXR today. What changed is DCS MT defaulting to using OpenXR by default, instead of Oculus (OVR) and OpenVR by default.

    > Reason: Both OpenXR and DCS's runtime were active and working against each other.

    No. That doesn't make any sense. I think you do not understand what OpenXR is.

    > Now Meta Quest Link updates to 63.0.0 and no longer supports OpenXR and does not recognize the DCS version either.

    No. Quest Link still supports OpenXR, since it is the future standard going forward, and it's not going away any time soon.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Gizzy said:

    Yeah it was, sorry, Q3 software mess blindness trying to get something to work.  Sincere apologies..... I cany see anything wrong here, but then knowledge is limited so any help appreciated.



    dcs.log 16.66 kB · 1 download OpenXR.log 531 B · 1 download

    My best guess is you have something else interfering, we know things like Ultraleap cause issues with DCS/OpenXR, there's probably more.

    I'd recommend you install OpenXR Explorer and inspect the list of API layers (center column, bottom part).

  10. 3 minutes ago, Gizzy said:

    it shows as default for occulus

    You're going to have to elaborate. With my thing, you should never see "Oculus" anywhere, so you probably re-enabled Oculus OpenXR after install.

    You can take a look at the log file under `%LocalAppData%\virtualdesktop-openxr` for clues.

    Given that this method has been working for others, it's likely that your issue wasn't OpenXR in the first place, but perhaps something completely different.

  11. Just now, YoYo said:

    Hello mbucchia! Glad to see you :).

    Do you have idea why for Quest 3 users doesnt work, but for Quest Pro owners it works (v63) mostly? OXR, not steam overlay.

    I haven't looked at why the Oculus software doesn't work. My recommendation goes to using Virtual Desktop, which is significantly more powerful than Oculus Link (and yes, you can get awesome results without a cable).

  12. 13 minutes ago, Cooper21 said:

    Which launch properties are you using with this? So far, I have not had any success launching DCS after switching to VDXR runtime using Link Cable.


    You want to run the game in OpenXR mode, so that is either ST with `--force_OpenXR` or MT without modifiers. Note that when using the Steam edition, running MT has to be done from Steam itself, and running the exe from bin-mt directly doesn't actually pickup the MT version. 

    If you were using other OpenXR mods such as OpenXR Toolkit, you might want to clear their settings or disable them temporarily until you get a baseline going.

  13. I wasn't going to release this, but given that this crap show has been going on for too long now (and the cat has been out of the bag on reddit), here is an alternative OpenXR implementation for Oculus Link (air or cable) that currently works without issues with DCS:


    This is the same implementation users of Virtual Desktop have been able to enjoy for a while now, except you can use it without Virtual Desktop. It comes as-is with no extended support. All you need to do is run the installer and you will be all set. Check out the instructions in the link to also switch back and forth between this and other OpenXR runtimes if needed.

    I will still recommend to you all to consider Virtual Desktop, which is a much better experience that Oculus Link. But if you resist, well you can try the workaround above with Oculus Link.

    Hope it will help a few.

    PS: Cheers to @MoleUK who's been testing it with DCS and reporting success.

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  14. 10 hours ago, nikoel said:

    Does V63 also crash with Virtual Desktop? Please correct me if I am wrong, Mbucchia wrote the quadviews implementation with OpenXR in mind. Does the transition from OpenXR runtime to Oculus prevent DFR from working?

    Thankfully I yet to be "upgraded" and turned off updates before V63 could be installed. If you like me have been left out, go into settings, updates and turn them off for now

    Oculus (OVR) isn't OpenXR, so none of your OpenXR mods will work in this configuration.

    • Like 1
  15. It's a trade-off really.

    Quad views can immensely help with GPU performance, but at high cost on the CPU. This cost is due to DCS engine rendering technique being heavy on the CPU.

    VRS-based solutions (OpenXR Toolkit/vrperfkit/Pimax Foveated rendering) only have the potential to moderately help on the GPU, and at no cost on the CPU.

    So bottom line is if you have a lot of CPU headroom, Quad views will likely be a better solution for you, especially at high resolution.

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  16. AFAIK it works just fine with Oculus as long as you meet the following requirements:

    - Use OpenXR in DCS, with the Oculus OpenXR runtime (not SteamVR)

    - Enable Meta developer mode. You will need to create a Meta developer account and enable developer mode through all 3 of the following: headset setting, phone app setting and PC app setting

    - Select Hand controller in the VR settings of DCS

    It's a bit of a pain in the a... in particular the steps to enable developer mode.

  17. 13 hours ago, twistking said:

    How would quad view foveated rendering compare to a hypothetical VRS (variable rate shading) implementation with vulkan?

    VRS should also be useful for pancake users, so it might appear more attractive to ED. Has anyone experience with eye-tracked VRS, or general VRS in virtual reality?
    I don't want to derail this topic: I'm sure quad view is great, but with vulkan coming soon, it's maybe time to look a bit further. VRS seems more "elegant", but i guess it will give less of a performance gain compared to just dropping resolution (the question is, if quad view rendering has it's own relevant performance overhead)?!

    You can try VRS today with DX11 and OpenXR Toolkit (disable quad views first). You will see that it doesn't help that much in DCS (maybe 1ms or 2ms gain). This is without eye tracking, but that part doesn't matter.

    I wouldn't expect it to do any better with Vulkan. The ways quad views saves on rendering is unbeatable by VRS. It saves at all stages of rasterization, especially saving a lot of memory bandwidth. VRS doesn't save you anything there.

    But the overhead of quad views is added CPU usage, which can be solved in the game engine by doing the proper optimizations (stereo instanced rendering), which AFAIK DCS doesn't do.

  18. On 12/1/2023 at 5:27 AM, Qcumber said:

    Now support has been discontinued is this an opportunity to bring this directly into DCS? 

    There's a big misunderstanding regarding what is done/what needs to be done. Please see my detailed explanation in the other thread. For short: the ball isn't really in ED'S court for the biggest blocking things (point 3 in my comment).


    5 hours ago, Japo32 said:

    Mbucchia's solution is working great, but it has issues with night raids with reflectors lights over WW2 missions, plus others in winter

    Those graphic issues aren't related to my implementation, they are bugs in the (existing) quad views support in DCS. They've been reported to ED many times now. I believe the NVG issue was finally fixed in 2.9, but other issues are still present. 


    3 hours ago, Qcumber said:

    Yes. If it could be supported through the implementation to Vulkan it would be fantastic. 

    Unless you are a Varjo owner (and use Quad-Views-Foveated's older sibling Varjo-Foveated), it will not work with Vulkan, at all. This isn't really something that would be on ED to fix (see my first point).

    The easiest solution for ED to make it work would be to do their drawing in Vulkan and then to submit with DX11, this is what X-Plane 12 does (they don't have QV support, but they have Vulkan support). This won't cost any perfomance, and it will resolve compatibility issues such as working with WMR OpenXR runtime and QVFR for example. Game developers shouldn't have to do this, this is again all a result of platform vendors shortcomings (see first point about 3) in other comment).

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  19. Let me clarify a few things, because right now you are asking the wrong things, to the wrong people, in the wrong order.

    Let's start with the basics: DCS does implement quad views rendering in their engine. So the title of this thread isn't going to make sense to any one looking at it.

    My guess is that Eagle Dynamics added support for it in order to enable Bionic Display on Varjo's VR-3 and XR-3 high-end professional headsets. Quad views rendering is the only option today that Varjo offers to enable Bionic Display.


    Now here are the 3 issues that need to be addressed


    1) DCS only implements the Bionic Display flavor of quad views, which is by nature fixed foveated rendering, because the extra video panel in the Bionic Display is fixed (it does not move with your eyes, that would require absolutely crazy mechanical tech). Now this fixed foveated rendering does not help too much with performance, because it is set up specifically for the Bionic Display usage, where the high density panel is fairly large. So in order to make a performance boost in DCS, we want to use dynamic foveated rendering with quad views. However Eagle Dynamics did not implement that. This is what my original Varjo-Foveated mod did: it forces the eye tracking capability into DCS' implementation of quad views in order to achieve dynamic foveated rendering.

    So ask number 1 to Eagle Dynamics is: can you implement the dynamic foveated rendering flavor of quad views in DCS? This is a very simple change to make. Stated in technical terms: Can you add support for XR_VARJO_foveated_rendering? It's really simple, all you need to do is add a couple of extra flags when initializing the OpenXR instance, the querying the resolution for your swapchains, and querying the view pose/FOV for rendering at each frame.


    2) DCS implementation of quad views has bugs. In particular, related to the addition of dynamic foveated rendering above, there is a bug in DCS MT version where data from the next/previous frame is being incorrectly used for the current frame. Because of this bug, the foveated region cannot work properly when eye tracking is used, because the region ends up being warped out of place when you move your eyes. I implemented a workaround to this issue in both Varjo-Foveated and Quad-Views-Foveated.

    This bug was reported to @BIGNEWY on March 18th in the post linked below, with a very detailed explanation including a detailed trace log. Actually both 1) and 2) were logged in that post back in March.


    So ask number 2 to Eagle Dynamics is to fix this bug with XrFovf submission in order to make their implementation of quad views compatible with XR_VARJO_foveated_rendering.


    3) Quad views support is currently only implemented by Varjo in their OpenXR runtime. The quad views technique and OpenXR extensions were coined by Varjo and as a result, only they had stakes to implement it in their platforms. This means that Valve, Meta, etc do not bother implementing support for quad views applications. So even when an application like DCS implements quad views, these vendors will not be able to run the application in quad views mode. This limitation is not on Eagle Dynamics, and there is nothing they can do about it. This is why I developed my second mod, Quad-Views-Foveated, and if you read closely the description of it, it doesn't talk at all about adding anything into the application:


    In technical terms:

    This software enables OpenXR apps developed with XR_VARJO_quad_views and optionally XR_VARJO_foveated_rendering to be used on platforms that do not typically support those extensions. It composes each quad view projection layer into a stereo projection layer, and uses the eye tracking support on the device to make the inner projection views follow the eye gaze.

    What does that mean? It means that Quad-Views-Foveated does not fill a gap in the application (DCS), but instead it fills a gap in the platform (Oculus, Pimax, etc...).

    Yes, Eagle Dynamics could pull in the entire quad views on top of stereo emulation framework that I created, but it's way outside of the scope of what any normal game engine should do and I would not expect (or even encourage) any game developer to do that. In addition, there are many challenges linked to eye tracking, because just like Meta, Valve, etc did not implement quad views support in their OpenXR runtimes, they also did not implement eye tracking support in them. Only Varjo implements the proper OpenXR interface for eye tracking (XR_EXT_eye_gaze_interaction). Meta chose to only expose social eye tracking data through a proprietary extension in Developer Mode only and recently Steam Link also only forwards eye tracking via a non-standard OSC interface. This is what a 3rd project of mine, OpenXR-Eye-Trackers, aimed at fixing. This is a complete nightmare for any game developer to have to deal with this mess and they really don't have to put up with it.

    It's not Eagle Dyamics you need to ask the feature to: it's Meta, Valve, Pimax, etc. instead. They are the ones who need to build support for XR_VARJO_quad_views and XR_VARJO_foveated_rendering into their platforms.


    - Eagle Dynamics, please resolve issue 1) and 2) described above in order to offer an implementation of dynamic foveated rendering that can work out-of-the-box on platforms like Varjo and Somnium. Resolving these two issues is a very small matter than could be achieved with little effort.

    Meta, Valve and other major platform vendors, please provide support for quad views configuration type out-of-the-box in your PC runtimes. Only by having major vendors with mass volume of users supporting the technology out-of-the-box we will encourage developers like Eagle Dynamics and others to provide support for this great technology that really benefits the end users.

    Until all vendors align with providing quad views support in their OpenXR runtimes, I am afraid my Quad-Views-Foveated mod is going to remain the only way to do dynamic foveated rendering in DCS for Quest Pro, Reverb G2 Omnicept and Pimax Crystal users, and this is not a problem Eagle Dynamics can fix.

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