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  1. I copied his .lua entirely & I did enable all options, saved options, restarted DCS
  2. I replaced my options.lua with yours. Reinstalled reshade dx11 only, no extra's and put the vrem mod in Bin. Launch and activate, disable the two top options, enable all settings. Only haze setting on works, but it just removes all haze. I can't change the strength. No other options tweakable or work for me. In 2D it's the same. Before color worked in 2D, now doesn't work anymore unfortunately.
  3. Hey thanks for the reply! Yes I only clicked DX11 option, and then changed nothing else! G2 with openxr toolkit. I tried disabling it. Also tried all resolutions / fullscreen and no fullscreen. Tested with OpenXR option and without. Tested with Runtime Sync in Reshade and without. EDIT: It seems like only the NVG gets full-screened. The control on it doesn't work though.
  4. ReShade.logGetting these "errors"
  5. Same.. Did you find a fix yet?
  6. Cant get it to work. Works in 2D, and the reshade is visible in 2D mode. When I launch VR everything stops working. I can only see and change options in Reshade on the monitor, there are no changes on 2D monitor or VR.
  7. Dear all, I am trying to replicate a PDLT solution like the following: The top value represents PDLT_WingmanId The bottom value represents PDLT_Altitude The right value should represent PDLT_Range The problem is that it seems that only PDLT_Range exists in the deep-down code. I have the following questions: 1. Where can I find PDLT_name (including all variablenames under the root PDLT) 2. Can I add names to this list? 3. Would this idea be possible to implement? I am also looking into changing the "NOT SOI" addStrokeText line into being a different color. The problem is is I want just that stroke to change color. 4. When I import symbology.lua stuff that holds these colors it crashes the whole MFD.. is there a way to get around this? Thank you, DP -- Edit: was able to change the NOI SOI.
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