Hey all,
There is a unit that is not listed among the assets for the WW2 asset pack and will cause any missions you create using it to require the WW2 asset pack. It's the Concertina Wire. ED's own entry for the WW2 Asset pack omits it. It should be in the list of assets added by the pack, but I couldn't find it on any list online. This made it very frustrating to figure out which of the several hundred assets I had placed in a mission was requiring the pack. Thought I would post what I found so that others might not have to deconstruct their mission to find it. Also, ED, please add this to the list of units included in the WW2 pack. I went through my mission's unit list trying to figure out what was triggering the mission to require the pack. Or better yet, just make it a basic asset. No one is buying the pack for barbed wire, but it's nice to have as an option for mission building. I'd be fine with either one, but it honestly didn't occur to you that mission creators might want an accurate list of what was included in the pack so that they could remove it? I mean, I know an 88 is a WW2 asset, but concertina wire? Was I supposed to remember that that structure wasn't available for me to build with before I got the WW2 pack? It's bad enough my buddy wouldn't be able to play any mission that I add WW2 assets to since he doesn't own the pack, but making it this hard to find and remove those assets just sucks. Could have fixed this in five minutes if the listing on your own store page was accurate. Thanks for the headache.