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About ww3231

  • Birthday February 7

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  • Flight Simulators

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  1. Afaik the sprite drawn to fake lights like this is controlled via the livery, so a mod like it would need to be incorporated to every livery youd want it to affect.
  2. Hopefully this gets updated, my favourite mod
  3. Sadly, yes
  4. AI lights cant be controlled unless theyre your wingmen. You want your player plane to be the one thats watched, then use AI planes as "cameras", by using F2 to cycle to them, then looking at your player plane from the view of the camera plane
  5. Then I am afraid the explosion effect itself is made through different lightning calculations. Did you try with destroyed stuff thats on fire or only the explosion effect?
  6. Yeah the those are quite tricky since they atleast have a decent-ish range even with vanilla settings. You could compare by blowing stuff up with the explosion effect, then having a different "camera" planes flying at preset distances of like 10nm, 20nm, 30nm, etc, then swapping the F2 view between those planes to get accurate results Also note, if you still have the 1st version of the mod (uploaded yesterday), I made the mod default bigger so you might want to redownload it. The modifier that affects ranges is DCS default 1, last version it was 5, and now with the mod that is currently up, its 10. Still not seeing any performance degradation
  7. The light thats from burning stuff like destroyed buildings and vehicles seems to be affected at least. I am currently flying away from a strike, and can still see the blazes from 30nm away
  8. Without the mod, the aircraft lights should just "disappear"once the camera gets like 2nm away. With the mod, you should be seeing the lights from atleast about 10nm away. Best illustrated by flying in total darkness since the mod doesnt touch city lights, nor does it no anything for quality. Only distance Will try to get an idea today, it may work but thats a though one to test accurately lol
  9. Theres also a huge difference, especially on hornet, when turning on position and strobe lights, then going F2 and just scrolling the mouse wheel back. Thats the main reason I made this, carrier lights also being affected was just a happy accident lol
  10. Yeah it can even go a lot further than I set the mod to, just didnt want to go overboard for now incase there some unforeseable performance issues. Doesnt seem like there are though, edit seems very lightweight
  11. It makes most lights that are dynamic (so not cities) visible from much further out. Examples are navigation lights on aircraft, supercarrier lights, etc.
  12. Most of this stuff is something I strongly feel ED should add to settings as sliders and options. Meanwhile, I am happy to dig through the files and try to find the hidden things with big impacts
  13. Glad to have improved your experience!
  14. Thank you very much for the comparision! Ill edit it to the original post, if you dont want that just let me know
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