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Everything posted by marcelbrabson

  1. I just bought a wireless Edtracker, But I' having the hardest time getting it to work in DCS. Does anyone here have one and knows how to configure it properly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. I don't see a saved games folder. But there is a Liveries folder already there with f/a-18c folder. I tired putting the new skins there but when I go into the simulator to select a skin there not there. What am I doing wrong ?
  3. Can some please tell me how to download skins? I've tried and failed so many times. I'm particularly interested in skins for F/A-18 & F-5. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Take care. God bless.
  4. I love this skin and I'd really love it on a DCS Hornet. I'm willing to pay you for your time. So if anyone is interested in doing it please hit me back
  5. I can't seem to upgrade to DCS World 2.5.2. Usually it does it on its own. But it's not happening now. So I can't download the Persian Gulf Map. Can someone please tell me how to rectify this. Thanks
  6. I pre-purchased the Persian Gulf map and now that it's time for the release of the map I can't download it. I have DCS 2.5 and I go to the module manager and the Persian Gulf map isn't there. According to the DCS site, it's supposed to be in the module manager. Well, it's not there. I've started the program over and over again and no Persian Gulf map. Is anyone else having this problem and if so is anything being done to rectify this problem? We've all been very patient waiting for this map and for F/A-18 now that it's time to deliver what they advertised and promised there's nothing there. Can someone at DCS please rectify this issue and give me what I paid for? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  7. I pre-purchased the Persian Gulf map and now that it's time for the release of the map I can't download it. According to the DCS site, it's supposed to be in the module manager. Well, it's not there. I've started the program over and over again and no Persian Gulf map. Is anyone else having this problem and if so is anything being done to rectify this problem? We've all been very patient waiting for this map and for F/A-18 now that it's time to deliver what they advertised and promised there's nothing there. Can someone at DCS please rectify this issue and give me what I paid for? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Can't find Persian Gulf Map I can't find Persian Gulf Map so I can download it. I pre-purchased it and have been waiting for the release date and now that it's finally here I can't find it anywhere to download and install it. Can someone please help me rectify this matter. Thanks
  9. Hey guys, I'm in need of help with my Thrustmaster Warthog. No matter how hard I try I just can't get it configured just right to control any of the modules that I have. The problem that I'm having the most trouble with is trim control. It's really frustrating. Is there anyone who can help me. Thanks
  10. I'm a real-world pilot of 35 years. Iknow that. I'm having trouble with my Warthog & trim control.
  11. I'm having trouble with the trim control on my Thrustmaster Warthog FCS. I can't get the trim just right in DCS F-5. Either it's too much or too little. Does anyone have the Warthog and experienced this problem?
  12. Hey guys, I'm having a problem and I was hoping that someone could help me. I have a Warthog FCS. Buty I"m having trouble controlling aircraft like the F-5. I can't get it trimmed up in flight. I use the trim button but it's always too high or too low I have to fight with the controls to get straight and level flight. Can anyone help me? Thanks
  13. Hey guys, I'm having a problem and I was hoping that someone could help me. I have a Warthog FCS. Buty I"m having trouble controlling aircraft like the F-5. I can't get it trimmed up in flight. I use the trim button but it's always too high or too low I have to fight with the controls to get straight and level flight. Can anyone help me? Thanks
  14. Does anyone have Delan Clip? I'm having trouble setting it up. I've followed the instructions on the YouTube videos but I still can't get it to work. I've emailed the company twice no response. So if anyone can help it would be appreciated
  15. Does anyone have the Delan Clip? I really need some help with mime. I can't get it to work and I've emailed the company twice for support and have yet to hear back from them. I keep getting this message on the screen. "For commercial use only". Please advise.
  16. RIP I didn't know you but my prayers are with you. Rest in Peace
  17. I have a TM Warthog. And I'm looking for profiles to go with it. The modules that I have are A-10C, F-5, FC3, P-51, & AV-8B. Can anyone help me in finding some profiles for these? Thanks.
  18. How do I set up the mission editor so that the AI aircraft is flying lead?
  19. Thanks man. If they knew anything about true military flying they would know that you can't be away from it for awhile and still be proficient. It's not like riding a bike. I've been a real world pilot for 30 years now. So when you've accumulated as many real world flight as I have talk to then. Until such time stay out of grown folks business. This is exactly why I hate to post on this forum.
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