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  1. I dont know if theres any..Faq about this question but, will the super hornet ever see the light of day in dcs? Honestly i feel like it would be such a great addition. Honestly it IS fine if it cannot be added due to not enough information, not currently your interest BUT i do think it should be added personally.
  2. Yeah but why would they not enable regional pricing, did they just forget or is it some kind of problem coming form steam?
  3. So, i live in Turkey lets start it off like that and i understand that prices inflate when converting to other currencies, BUT. high fedelity models like the f/a-18, f-16, f-14 when at full price are 565,99TRY (80$) but theres a strange thing with the Apache over on steam, the apache is 65$ from what i remember but it costs 1.165,76 TRY??? i dont understand how a module thats cheaper in dollars is more expensive than something thats more expensive in dollars, just seem weird.
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