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Everything posted by Cpt. TRIJJ

  1. It wasn't a Tutorial but a YouTube Video. Further searching in the F/A 18 Manual and in DCS World F/A 18(Google), finds no mention of the word rheostat. I did see Castle Switch (which was a new term for me). Saw other comments from other flyers who were just as lost as me. Apparently, there are other conditions that must be met before this HMD shows up. I'm still lost, so some1 give me abit more info??
  2. From what I recall from the Tutorial (and again I may have been distracted looking elsewhere) that I missed this "rheostat". Thnx Razor
  3. I go to TAC page, then to Supt Page, look over to left-side Panel for the HMD Tab and it is not there. I have tried with/without AA on. I've clicked every button on numerous Pages and haven't found it yet. I missed something here. Where is it?
  4. I need to bind this PB. It's PB 5. However, there are a few PB5's. Per the manual...it's the one on the Sensor Panel which is on the TAC Page which is on the Right DDI Page. All true... but where is it on the Controls when I go to bind it? I couldn't figure out which PB. Probably the same issue binding Manual/Auto, which is PB 13. Could someone plz tell me which PB Actions these 2 PBs are when binding?
  5. I will do that. Thank you, Rob
  6. Nods agreeably with Lane on the confusing. I know at times, it may seem I'm asking too many questions and not doing my homework. I can assure u that is not the case. I do look up stuff but I can tell the designers write the text with great personal knowledge of flight. But perhaps, loose sight to those of us not as well-educated in flight. Case in point, I don't know what TDC is. I'm assuming it is that tip top button on the POV? It says push down to lock target. I push down and target won't lock. .. or hit Enter. I try Enter and it works fine in the Training Mission. Get into 8v8 and sometimes it'll lock but I can't track the one in front of me and deal with the 2 on my six. I go search for solution and the vast majority of videos/posts reference the Warthog not the 16000M. I still go and look up the buttons diagrams for the 16000M but nothing I saw points to the TDC. I do try though to learn on my own. No offense intended.
  7. Lol That could very well be. I was like clicking all around those X and Y boxes and getting nothing. Thnx Jay
  8. BN was correct, it was 67X. I'm assuming since X is default, that is why X didn't show up?? And just with 67 entered, the instructor continued his lesson?? Also, thnx Lane for adding additional info. I knew going in that the F/A 18 was going to be a handful.
  9. I'll rerun that mission to make sure. Just in case though, it was X or Y, how do I put that X or Y in? Thnx BN
  10. Instructor says enter 66K. I got the 66 but how do I do that K?
  11. Rockets fired and targets destroyed. Bombs dropped but I can't hit anything yet lol. Much appreciated Art.
  12. Very helpful Vader. I'll do that. Thank you.
  13. In the Air to Ground Training Mission (with Guns) I can't hear my Flight Instructor. Turbines too loud and I forgot how/where to turn that noise down? Then I did the CCIP Mode but when moves on to the Manual Mode, he lost me when he said push this button and RTCLE comes up. Now enter a value of 10 on the UFC (next to the colon). I have no idea what he's talking about?? I looked but never saw any colon. Why did DCS not mark where to go on that one like they had been doing? As a side note and to my great delight and surprise, so far I have found the Hornet easier to operate so far. I'm sure it'll be a handful by the time I work thru all those inputs. But it took me hours to get the Mustang into the air but with the Hornet I got up in one try. In CCIP Mode, I got the targets in two fly-overs. Couldn't do the Manual Mode as stated. Went to Missiles and down those 2 Migs in 2 tries. Was very satisfying. xD
  14. So, Weapon Release is RAlt + Space on keyboard? And that would be the command I need to look for on Control Panel? And then bind that? I think I can do that. Much appreciated.
  15. Thnx for answering. I just went to check to c if those two keys were bound. They were bound correctly. I did move them to Bttn 3 (bomb/rocket selector to rockets) and Bttn 4 (rocket selector to single). Double-checked back into Control Panel and all was good. Got back into a ground Mission, got lined up, hit those two keys...and the rocket did not fire. I use the 16000M FCS Thrustmaster Joystick. My Fire Guns is on Bttn 1 and works fine. Shrugs
  16. Here is what I have to do to fire rockets (0n PC with Trackir Off) ... with left hand, cross-over my right hand... push joystick to the right to get it out of the way... flip switch to Rockets and the turn switch to Single. The Rocket did fire. And yes...some of u guessed it I'm sure....I'm in the ground. Certainly that is not how to do it? There is no key-bind to flip to Rockets, that I saw. I did bind Single and Weapon Release. I can manually flip to Rockets. However, Single and Weapon Release did not work when bound to my Joystick. I believe I had then on Button 8 and 9...but that was awkward as well. Good gosh, some1 save me from this nightmare. xD How r u guys doing it?
  17. Oh yes, I have looked at the control panel. I don't want to have too many key-bindings. Just enough of whatever it takes to fire those rockets. I can see the switches to throw (if I turn off Trackir). But I like Trackir for dogfighting. Which of those switches do I need to bind? Ahh...I c and I coulda sworn that I bound Single and Release but never has any rocket fired. I'll double-check that.
  18. Oh yes, I have looked at the control panel. I don't want to have too many key-bindings. Just enough of whatever it takes to fire those rockets. I can see the switches to throw (if I turn off Trackir). But I like Trackir for dogfighting. Which of those switches do I need to bind? Also, razo+r, I didn't get a notice that u had responded??
  19. Can't find the right key-binds for launching rockets. Trying to keep it as simple as possible. I'd like to start with just turning them on, release, and single-fire them. But I don't see an action where I can 1) flip to rockets. And I would need 2)release, and 3) single-fire, right? Difficult to fly and move the joystick so I can see the switches. I can drop bombs but can't hit anything just yet but I'm working on that too. Thnx
  20. Yes, that was exactly what I did...I was in Rookie Mode and never saw that Option till watching another tutorial. All's good once again. Thnx Draconus
  21. That could well be...thank you.
  22. An issue with my key bindings... what I have key-bound works in the Training Missions and Instant Action. Some however, do not work when I go into Mission Editor. Why is that? For example, F1 is cockpit View in Training or Instant but does nothing in Mission Editor. F2 is outside view of plane in Training or Instant...but it is F2 View that I start in when in Mission Editor. I have tried key-binding Snap Views and Zoom In/Out in Mission Editor but they won't work. They do however, work in Training and Instant. How is this even possible? Was Mission Editor an after-thought and not part of the original development of DCS?
  23. There are no double-bound keys (using F1). F1 works in the Training Missions but not in the Mission Editor. The plane is in F2 view. Was there a Setting I missed that must be checked if I want to start the mission inside the cockpit? I started my Mission in a parking spot just off the runway. I found no errors with my USB ports.
  24. I'll look to c about double bound keys and look into my USB drivers. Thnx
  25. I did go back in my Trackir settings to check on the 'smooth' setting. I had Yaw on One-to-One and the rest on smooth. I changed Yaw to smooth and that did help. Then I went to look at the Snap Views. Looked promising but (unless I Hotkey some of them) I cannot hold Ctrl or Shift + whatever and then move the cursor. That would be correct, right... unless I key bind? Then I tried my first Mission Editor. I needed a short video to look at but was surprised to not have F1 (cockpit view). Is that the way the devs did it for Mission Editor? Surely not. Furthermore my Joystick and Throttle mal-functioned. As soon as I gave it some gas, I was full throttle but got the plane up anyways but couldn't climb/descend nor turn left/right properly. Now I am beginning believe I got a bad install originally of DCS and/or Trackir and/or Thrustmaster Downloads.
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