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About AndreNL

  • Birthday 02/16/1983

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Being a parent

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  1. As the title says..... Where is the section for the F-14??
  2. I'm gonna make a video. But at the moment very bussy at work
  3. @[DE] T-Bone We have flown together many times and we notice that we both experience this. But it does happen during slower flying around 40 knots. It's not that we don't have experience with the ah64, we have been flying since the rollout of the ah64. We wonder if the flying model is realistic, we think something is wrong... I will try to film it...
  4. Dear pilots, Me and my buddy have been flying the AH64 since its launch. We have experienced all kinds of things with the updates, both positive and negative, and in the end we have seen the module grow positively into something beautiful. Now we both often experience losing our grip out of nowhere and falling like a stone from the sky. This usually happens when we approach an airport and slow down to land quietly. Or when we circle around an AO where our speed is around 40 knots. Could this be a desync problem, or is there something wrong with the flight model? Before I start making videos again, I would like to ask if more pilots experience this. I also fly the KA-50III where I can't even create this problem. Thank you in advance!
  5. @Floyd1212 I saw your post yesterday, good work!! The dev team still marked the topic as "probably dl setup error". Well, that's not the question anymore. There is a bug in the system. I advise you like I and my buddy do, just ignore the whole NAK stuff. The datalink works fine, I does everything that it should be doing. With or whitout the NAK-message. You and your buddy are already badass that you use the datalink in the first place. On the servers we fly there are none members that use it.
  6. Small bug, but it's there.. If I return to a farp - airfield after a mssion and reload and refuel the ka-50III the inner external fueltanks stops to works. My fix is just before I land for reload / rearm I drop off the tanks in air, and when I get the new ones the inner external fueltanks works again.
  7. @krazyj Thanks for take a look. Me and my buddy just ignore the whole NAK stuff. Datalink works fine, with or whitout that message.
  8. @ GCRev, We have discovered for ourselves that the NAK problem is not consistent. We start on the server by setting up our helicopters. With of course the NAK message. But, if we choose 2 other ah64 to fly with on the same server because they are stationed closer to the AO, then we have no NAK messages...... So our first flight / mission there we have the NAK message, Our 2nd flight / mission from another airport but on the same server we have no NAK messages at all anymore... That's something we don't understand. What I find annoying is that we made a side-by-side video for the dev team and that we received no comments on it. So my buddy and I just assume that we're not doing anything wrong, but if there's something I can't stand, it's assumptions. I would like to see confirmation.
  9. @krazyj, Me and my buddy have a small problem with the datalink, it gives us NAK message. We had to make a side by side video to let the dev team see what we do wrong. But I don't get a reply on it. Will / can you check our video's, it seems u know more of this stuff than I do Post is found under "Datalink error after last update"..... Thanks!
  10. @Raptor9, Both video's are online, if nothing is wrong with our configuration then maybe it's a idea to test it with someone from your team on the server where we recorded the videos?
  11. The second video is set to public. Just let me know if u can see it yes or no....
  12. @floyd1212, Nope, It is not the problem. We used different datalink ID and still got the NAK message...
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZknsTu4d6k second video...
  14. @Floyd 1212, Yes we do, and maybe that's the problem here. We gonna check it out
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