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  1. This script can RANDOMLY generate CAS missions in a specific zone. "Random" means the location is randomly chosen, the 9-line is randomly generated and the target is also random.(However in finite choices actually...but you can customize it.) There is a demo mission with radio voice generated by AI in the attachment below. You can use those sound files in your own missions freely with the script(change 'miz' to 'zip' if you don't know how to see things inside a miz file). When you use the script in your own mission, you'll need to create zones and groups like what I did in the demo mission...So it's very important to check out the demo mission first if you want to customize the script. All of the interactions are through the F10 radio menu. You need to enter the mission zone first, and then use radio menu to get yourself assigned with a mission. Then follow the 9-line briefing, report IP inbound. After you have been cleared hot, kill the target and request BDA. The JTAC will tell you if the mission has been accomplished. If you want to try it in an online server, you can go to But the radio commands are in Chinese. Below are some screenshots (the 9-line is telling you that the target is marked by laser and red smoke, this is also randomly generated) null null null null null CAS-demo.miz InfiniteCAS_Release_v1.0.lua
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