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  1. For the record, I didn't succeed in rotating the viewport directly, but managed to write an app that takes screenshots and displays them rotated: https://github.com/michaelosthege/ViewportReplicator There are also ways to do it with Helios: https://github.com/HeliosVirtualCockpit/Helios/issues/767
  2. I want to mount one of my MFDs upside down because the LCD contrast is bad when viewed from certain angles. However, the displays, or their "WinUsbDisplay.exe" driver just ignore orientation setting coming from Windows. If anybody knows how to rotate the viewport in the export config please let me know!
  3. @amido it looks like we're trying to do the same thing. I'm about 3 months behind in progress and currently waiting for my TCA9548A to arrive, but I already managed to display texts in SkyJunky's Hornet font on the 0.92" and 2.33" OLEDs: https://github.com/michaelosthege/display-i2c-example Did you manage to fix your code in the meantime? Could you maybe put it into a GitHub project? I strongly recommend using the PlatformIO extension for VS Code.
  4. Hi al! First of all thank you to everyone who's shared code, designs, videos, tips and experiences in this thread! I'm thinking about reproducing Sky's latest UFC design but with fewer Arduinos, by controlling all OLEDs via one SPI or i²c bus as shown here: Multiple i²c devices on one Arduino (video tutorial) or this Multiple SPI devices on one Arduino (video tutorial) The first step for me was to reproduce running an i²c 128x32 OLED (the only one I currently have) with the custom UFC fonts that were shared earlier in this thread. Since no previous comment included all necessary steps (and because it took me a few hours) I summarized it in this example project printing the custom Hornet UFC fonts using u8g2 on an i²c 128x32 OLED connected to an Arduino Uno: https://github.com/michaelosthege/display-i2c-example I hope this is useful for the next person on this endeavor
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