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About Outlaw3

  • Birthday 10/09/1974

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    FS, DCS
  • Location
    East Coast, US
  • Interests
    too many!
  1. Maybe your guy just identifies as American? Also, that flag should be subdued.
  2. Yep, that's exactly what's happening. I drove myself nuts trying to "fix" it with my graphics settings. Thank you for the response.
  3. I'm experiencing shifting clouds when banking, pitching, etc. The only time I don't see the clouds shifting, moving up and down, is only during straight, level flight and not looking around. I'd post my settings but it won't matter as I have tried every setting that I can think of that would affect the clouds. Even DLSS, DLAA, etc. has no effect. Is this a thing in DCS that others are experiencing?
  4. During the training mission of BFT05, I kept getting terminated during the slow level flight at FL100, HDG 210, IAS 160. Always right before doing the slow 360 left hand turn. After approximately 7 attempts, I decided to just try the qualification. Nailed it the first attempt with a Qualified rating. I guess this is just an FYI so you can check the parameters for future attempts by others. Really liking this campaign and looking forward to the other two when I complete this one. Thank you for these!
  5. Having this boundary in the kneeboard would be beneficial.
  6. I am having the same problem, so far it's only with BFT01.
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