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  1. Ok, thanks for the quick responses! Greetings
  2. Hello everyone. I have noticed that ships in DCS do not have smoke from their chimneys. For the modern world, it would be fine... but for the IIWW environment, it would be unrealistic... Is it possible to add smoke in chimneys to ships? (I have tried parameter GT.exhaust = { [1] = { size = 0.75 , pos = {-1.0 , 32.0, 0.0 } }, } in ships.lua files but without success... Thanks in advance!
  3. Excellent, cfrag...! My fault! Obviously I was mixing Units with Static Objects... and wanting to interact with what doesn't exist! Your code worked perfectly. Thank you so much
  4. Hello! Sorry for my poor English. First of all, I'm pretty new to programming... BUT... I have a strange problem... the following code simply randomly removes objects at the start of a mission. BUT ONLY FULLY WORKS if the "for...end" goes from 1 to 3... otherwise (for example from 1 to 10), the lines that come AFTER the End of the For are NOT EXECUTED... What am I doing wrong? The code: local nroObjeto = 1 local strObjeto = "Static" .. nroObjeto for i=1, 10 do if math.random(1,100) > 50 then Unit.getByName(strObjeto):destroy() trigger.action.outText("Erased".. strObjeto,5) end nroObjeto = nroObjeto + 1 strObjeto = "Static" .. nroObjeto end trigger.action.outText("End Random process...",15) -- NOT EXECUTED WITH for i=1, 10 Unit.getByName("Static7"):destroy() -- NOT EXECUTED WITH for i=1, 10
  5. Hello! I activated the checkbox for automatic authorization to launch DCS and I would like to know how I recover the option to confirm username and password. Thanks in advance!
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