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About Darkrookie

  • Birthday March 16

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL-2 BOX
  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Sailing, Aviation, Firearms

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  1. I'm embarrassed to even ask this...but what is the section and keybind name for advancing the tutorials. I rebound SPACE to another function in the distant past and now I don't know how to get past the first instruction in any of the tutorials.... They say "press SPACE to continue"...and I'm stuck looking through all the keybind menus to figure out what SPACE used to be bound to... Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Darkrookie
  2. That's how I understand it yes. Thanks Jubuttib.
  3. Thank you both, very helpful. Next question: Does the antenna point perfectly level along the horizon when the indicator shows level on the radar scope, or is it depressed 2 degrees along the Radar Boresight line? Basically, do I need to add 2 degrees to the above chart to get actual antenna elevation above level in the Phantom?
  4. Thanks Zabuzard! Interesting that they didn't use the other Aspect modes much if at all. That must be info we found useful later on (with greater effective radar ranges) since the modern NATO fighters show aspect angle, target heading, and have a C-scope view within easy reach. Glad to hear that Jester functionality will be added and I look forward to it. Great work on the Phantom and Jester so far!
  5. I'm all for not being able to play WSO from the Pilot seat, but a few things would seem reasonable for a Pilot to ASK of the WSO in certain situations instead of staying silent and hoping he can read your mind. The main one I'd like to see is being able to ask Jester to go Boresight mode from his end. Yes, you can do this with the cage switch, but then it limits the scan window to 5 miles. In situations where you can SEE the enemy above you but he's outside of 5 miles (and Jester just hasn't been able to lock him yet), you can't get a Boresight lock in time to take the Sparrow shot. Second thing I'd like to be able to ASK Jester to do is switch the Aspect switch as mention above. This is for 2 reasons and I'm sure a Pilot would ask this of the WSO in certain circumstances. 1st. You have a lock and want to know what the target's heading or aspect are for a baseline intercept. Knowing the targets aspect to you is critical for a good intercept. See 2nd. Being able to ask Jester to change the Aspect switch to Nose/Front would set up for an unlocked Boresight launch of a Sparrow, as shown here: and here: The third thing I'd like to be able to ASK Jester to do is switch to VI mode. This again is to help with baseline intercepts, as it would direct the pilot into pure pursuit of a locked target that you haven't got Tally on yet by giving you a pseudo "C-scope" view (think F-5 after you've locked a target). Credit goes to the makers of these videos respectively for helping me (start to) understand these things.
  6. Is there a rule of thumb for determining how much radar antenna elevation I should use to find a target at an expected range and altitude? For example, I have a training mission where a Mig-21 is flying 5000' above me head on. Sitting in the WSO seat I have no idea how much elevation that should be for a reasonable detection range (15 miles maybe). How did WSO's back in the day know how much to elevate/depress based on a GCI or AWACS call? More modern jets tell you the scan elevation at a given TDC range...is there anything like that in the Phantom? Thanks, Darkrookie
  7. Thanks IronMike. We appreciate your dedication and quick work taking a look at this.
  8. I will also add that I tried my mission in daytime, nighttime, clear weather, AND whiteout conditions before posting initially (including headwinds/crosswinds over 6 kt). None worked...so there must be something that isn't triggering the ILS system to activate from the DCS client/airport side of things with regard to the Heatblur Phantom. I also second Hawkeye's feedback about the manual and the ILS section. Overall it's a very good manual but there are a few minor things to flesh out still that I'm sure you guys will tackle as time permits. No major complaints from me...the Phantom is Phantastic. Thanks P.S. Now I just need to learn how to fight those AI Mig-21 UFOs...
  9. Thanks for the suggestion Nealius. After my initial post I added an F-16C into the mission to test that aspect and confirmed ILS is working from the Airport side of things (flew ILS to touchdown with the F-16). Just not working in the Phantom for me. The ADI Flight Director works as expected when in NAV or TAC mode but shows the red "off" flags when the right side selector knob is set to VOR/ILS. Just tested in the F-16C again with 10 knot and then 0 knot headwind. Worked fine in the F-16. Tested for the 10th time in the Phantom using the above settings...nothing. Edit: Did another DCS restart and now all of a sudden it's working in the Phantom...I didn't change a single thing to my settings/F4 switchology etc...Sounds like it may be something internal to DCS that wasn't activating with the ILS for the airport for some reason. Thanks for the help all. For now it remains a mystery to me why it wasn't working but hopefully that doesn't happen again.
  10. Thanks for the reply Dawger. My screenshot shows that I am in VOR/ILS mode on the right side knob already. The ADI still has no ILS indication. It has to be something else that I'm missing...
  11. Hi IronMike, Thanks for the reply. I expect it to look exactly like your screenshot shows, however I get neither the needles on the ADI, nor the indication on the HSI. The red "off" flags are showing on the ADI. I've checked a dozen times and I do have the correct frequency set (from both the mission editor and the cockpit directly). Volume/on knob on the VOR tune panel is all the way up. See my screenshots below, mirroring your settings but showing no ILS functionality. Thank you, Darkrookie
  12. Hey All, Loving the Phantom so far but one of my many questions is: How do I use the ILS system for instrument approaches? I've set up a training mission on Caucasus map, air start flying East toward Kutaisi. I have the volume on the VOR/ILS panel on the left turned up, it's tuned to 109.75 per the F10 map for that airfield (runway 07), and the Nav switches panel (forget it's exact name) set to VOR/TAC and the Flight Director on (horizontal) and turned to ILS. However, I get no ILS indications on the HSI or ADI. The VOR Beacon does work as I overfly the airfield, and the test button illuminates the Beacon Test Light so I have to assume I have the correct frequency set... Is there a trick to get the ILS working? I've got to be missing something obvious but I haven't found anything online or in the manual (yes I've read the full Navigation section). Any help is appreciated, Darkrookie
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