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Everything posted by leoliao

  1. Please consider adding dynamic bort numbers to AH-64D, and like UK or USA they have serial numbers in diffirent positions
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  2. I konw this might be kind silly to point this out, some parking positions at Al-Asad and Balad are not aligned with the white line on the ground. These are just some minor details that nobody takes care of, I'm simpely point them out
  3. does this mean we are going to have Queen Alia Airport soon?
  4. Will we see another update before the end of this year?
  5. The screenshot was taken after an ILS landing, I set EHSI to PLS/TCN mod during approach, and set it to NAV during taxi, but the symbology stayed on the HUD since then. I took those sreenchots after another take-off, at that time the EHSI was set to NAV mod. I tried to remove the symbology by turning off/on ILS and changing the EHSI mod several times today, it did disapear after several attempts.
  6. Hello friends: I am bit confused with the HUD marks, a little circle and a cross, can anybody tell me what they mean?
  7. I see, of course this re-modeling thing isn't on the top of the priority list. Now I understand it is more complicated than I think.
  8. C-17, AH-1,CH-53,SH-60 too many of them. I assume re-modeling wound't be pretty difficult. But I don;t have any idea about computer modeling, so correct me if I'm wrong
  9. Dynamic Bort Number Please. Hello Heatblur: Can we have Dynamic Bort Number on Typhoon please? on F-4 F-14 we don't have dynamic bort numbers, it would be perfect if we can custmize the tactical numbers. Much Appreciated.
  10. the modeling of these AI aircraft are low-quality, maybe it is time to considering some update. It doesn't have to be like F-16 or F-14, but should be somewhere near Su-34 or Su-24, it is 2024 after all, most of them are retired long time ago, even the early version of Su-30, so I assume there won't be a secrecy issue? Anyway it would be nice to have them update.
  11. So true. So far we only have like 3 of them?
  12. after October update, the ILS RWY31 was changed from 108.90 to 107.70. However you can not even set the ILS frequency to 107.70, RWY31 activated by the way.
  13. I didn't take the speed into consideration, I will try it sometime later, and thanks for your effort.
  14. Quite so
  15. in some way it is my own airfield in my own desktop. single mission, my mission my choice isn't it? I'm not trying to be disrepectful, I'm just saying that ED has this "active runway" system, maybe it could be more smart? Especially for airports with mutiple runways Being able to choose ins't a bad thing
  16. navigational wind is wind going to, meteorlogical wind is wind coming from. If nav wind is 220-260, the best runway should be RWY04-RWY08. Of course slight tailwind would be acceptable, but isn't it better to land in haedwind? I just want both ILS systems are ON, so we can choose the RWY we prefer, if it is possible
  17. You are right. But It is kind weird between the wind direction and active runway. RWY31 will only be activated when the nav wind is somewhere 220-260. That would make tail and cross wind to land. I hope both ILS to be on,not only when the RWY is activated. RWY 31 is closer to ramp. At current stage RWY31 will only be activated when the nav wind is somewhere 220-260. That would make tail and cross wind to land.
  18. Acording to some satellite pictures, the SAM site at Russian Airbase in Syira(blue circle) the SAM site are occupied by cinstruction site in the ME. the SAM site are occupied by cinstruction site in the ME. Could you please remove it?
  19. There is a floating building at the southwest corner of Muwaffaq Salti airbase, it is there before recent update.Pictures followed
  20. After Speptember update some major changes have been made to Muwaffaq Ssalti Airbase,including the ILS. But there are still some minor issues about it. The ILS of RWY31, still not working, though you can set the frequency 108.9 but get no signal.
  21. It seems that you can set ILS frequency of RWY 31, 108.9, but i haven't test how it wokrs
  22. Thx bro, could you please be more specific? I'm kind new to DCS
  23. hey dude, I ran into the same problem as well, have you fixed it? May I ask how you fixed it?
  24. The Nickname sticker/tags, could it be editable?
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