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Posts posted by Glowing_Amraam

  1. I record using FRAPS, not the .avi tool. Not sure why you selected to create the .avi with 15 fps though....


    With fraps, you slow time down 1 time, record, and speed the clips up in Vegas.

    Setting the desired fps to 30 in the project settings wont do squat to the clips. You have to select each clip, right click ---------> properties ---------> change speed from 1.000 -------> 2.000

    The clip will move at normal speed and have twice the fps.


    Now for camera jiggle in vegas.....it's hardly "jiggle", more like creating motion in the clip.


    If you zoom in a little on the clips (zoom in on the timeline), at the very right edge of the clips, there are some small icons.

    The icon in the middle should say something about "Event Pan/Crop". Click this icon.


    Look at the attached pictures to see how to do it.

    After the keying is done, play the clip and the view should now move around, giving the impression of camera movement.






  2. Hey dobberman, are the subtitles ready yet?

    I've seen the movie, just don't understand anything :P


    Very well done movie though, no doubt this is you're best movie yet. And also this is the best movie-movie for lomac :D


    And how exactly did you make that stealth fighter to just appear like that??? Some vegas trick right? Mind sharing a secret or 2? :P



  3. Det var da utroligt interessant - jeg er sikker på at vi alle sætter stor pris på dette velovervejede inlæg og jeg vil straks tage et kursus i polsk så jeg kan finde ud af....HVAD FANDEN DET DREJER SIG OM! :D


    Haha, lol, er helt enig med deg, tror jeg skal lære polsk selv! :megalol:


    Anyway, back on topic....which is....um...something other than this :music_whistling:


  4. CTRL A - Increase speed

    SHIFT A - normal speed

    ALT A - Decrease speed


    Right before recording, hit shift A just to be sure you are at normal speed, then right after, hit ALT A 1 time. Then speed this clip up 100% in the editor. Now it will look normal speed, plus the fps will be smooth.

  5. I'm guessing you're talking about the logo at the beginning of my movies? :P I didn't make that one, those thanks goes to VVanks for making that one ;)

    That includes my sig as well.


    Anyway, about the intro movie stuff....I've always wanted to create an intro movie for lockon, just never got around to making one (last time i tried making one, i ended up with "superior fighters" :P )


    Btw, where is the link for that E3 movie you're talking about? I know i've seen it before but that's a loooooooong time ago. I'm curious to see as to why you think this movie would fit as an intro.

  6. I have 3 questions: In your movies you get they real glowing effect in you games, like the contrast is turned way up or something. It looks very impressive and almost like the image is computer generated. I remember reading somewhere that you "rendered" your movie? What does that mean, and how can I do it? I am in the process of download Vegas 6.0 - do you use that program? Cheers


    Yes i use Vegas 6.0d to edit and RENDER my movies.

    When you are done editing your movie within vegas, to make it into video file (.wmv - .avi - etc..) you have to RENDER the movie. This is no magic, this is just the term we use when the movie is beeing saved into whatever codec you wanted it to be.:thumbup:

    And yeah, i add darker colors, glow and some third effect to my clips to give the look you see in my movies, particulary my last one.


    Second Question: What do you use for sound? I assume you don't record the sound direct from the game, and actually add your own sound in editing later - is that correct? I have noticed a few people talking about a realistic soudn effects add on, ZZZ or something.


    You are correct, i don't record or use sound from within the game, i add everything during editing.

    But you are correct though, there are sound mods out there from both ZZZspace and Archer. I have a combination of both creators when i play, to get the best result. Do a search for these 2 people, and you'll come across the mods im talking about. ;)


    Third and Final - You have some great camera angles in you game, and some great views. I was wondering how you recorded your movies with fraps. Do you record short movies (maybe a plane flying past a building etc) then cease recording, only to edit the movies together later, or do you create a track, and do it that way?


    I use fraps to record my footage, yeah. I slow time down 1 time in lockon and record, then i speed the clip up 100% (or more) in Vegas to get a very nice frame rate on the clip. And i record segments, yes. I create tracks for whatever it is i want to show. I want a dogfight scene, i create a dogfight scene. I find an angle, record, stop - find new angle, record - stop... and so on. In the fraps folder, in the end, it will be filled with lots of different fraps footage. ;)


    Thanks again for your comments, and im glad you enjoyed my little short movie.

    Hope these comments help.



  7. Another question what sound mod did you use?


    No sound mod was used. All sounds are edited in. :)


    And to everyone else, thanks for all the nice comments, much appreciated.

    I didn't really expect such great comments for such a short "random" action movie (or teaser, clip, film, whatever :P)


    Thanks again. Your kind words inspire me to make better movies as i go :D

  8. Amraam, nice image (as always), nice effects (although at some point a "saw" that the camera shake is made by hand, maybe because you told that earlier :) ), nice angles but, you should try to make a longer movie with a story in it.


    Look, I didn't even understand why the movie is called "the chase"...


    Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated :thumbup:


    Regarding the camera shake, yeah, i use the mouse EXTENSIVELY in this movie, puts more life into the shots, instead of having the usual boring (and unrealistic) static shots in mid-air. So i try to give it some movement.


    Regarding the name, you are absolutely right, the name has NOTHING to do with whats happening in the video. When i thought of the name (actually, it was my sister who came up with it, lol) i said "hmm...it doesnt match the movie, but HEY, it sounds kinda cool!" :megalol:



  9. Glowing_Amraam, fantastic work as always. :thumbsup: The tension building up (the score at the very begging, oh man)...with already famous missile shot camera capture! Can't wait till I'll display your movie again, this time at the academy with class-room's projector to leave all classmates drooolin''.. Yeah I played your movies for large audience during pauses - your logo is already recognizable :)


    Just one small request for you. If you find some free time, could you re-encode the movie? I don't know if it is me. But I'm having some sort of problem with screen ratio. The movie looks like horizontall squished and I have two black bars on left and right side of the screen. I'm not having this with other of your videos, so I just guess it is something wrong with this one.


    Thanks for the comments :)


    Regarding the bars, you're not running widescreen are you? I mean, i too have 2 tiny bars on the left and right, but very very small. And the picture here isn't squashed at all, if it was, i would've re-rendered it :P


    It's 800x600 resolution, which is actually new to me, since all my other movies are 640x480 res.

  10. Hello folks.


    Earlier today i sat in front of the pc and though "man, i havent released a video in ages....gotta do something about that". So i sat down with lock on, shot some random scenes, and after 5 hours or so, this is the result:




    If you saw my movie "HEAT", this movie resembles it somehow, with the same style and random stuff happening. Don't ask "whats the story", because I don't even know that :D


    Enjoy it for what it is. As in how i see it, a way to test new sounds and make flybys look cool. :thumbup:




    ** Big thanks to www.patricksaviation.com for hosting!


    Oh and i know the movie is very short....but what do you expect after 5 hours anyway :P


    ** as an added "bonus", here is a list of some other movies i have created, also hosted at patricksaviation.



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