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Posts posted by Milli

  1. Well thanks I guess, but not sure exactly what you mean.. :huh:

    It IS a word and according to Merriam Webster...


    1: extremely or "]utterly foolish <an asinine excuse>


    2: of, relating to, or resembling an ass


    And I thought it was quite an appropriate description of that guy's ridiculous statements!


    Its ok, it was meant in a positive way. I hadn't heard that word before, so I looked it up in a dictionary and liked it.




  2. That is not an "interesting suggestion" it is an asinine suggestion...

    Yeah a Kiowa outperforming a Apache...


    What little credibility the guy had was completely erased right there..



    EDIT: And my ire is directed at the guy that made the statement, NOT WinterH


    "asinine" - nice word outlawal2. :thumbup:

  3. Thanks! I tried to rename it and i also tried vu0.

    Not sure if i did both at the same time.


    I wonder. Which is the way to go?


    1. To modify the diff file - Seems better when updates are rolling in but harder to understand

    2. To modify the default.lua - Works pretty good with JSGME but default file might change with updates


    If you prefer to modify the default.lua then it would be a good idea to use Notepad++ and compare your modified default.lua with the new updated default.lua using the Compare Plugin.

    It quickly shows any differences between two files. Very handy to have when modding files.





    It's not a case of lack of will but I don't believe we would sell enough Buccs or Jags to make them commercially viable




    I beg to differ. Surely any of these would sell like hot cakes. Especially if each of us bought them twice, one for spare parts.


    Maybe we could have a donation box as well, to help grease the path. Not that I'm keen or anything to get my hands of any of these babies :music_whistling:




  5. Just back from a long weekend staying with a friend of mine and his family. He's based at RAF Valley on Anglesey. Saw lots of Hawk T2's flying around all day long, didn't see any flying T1's. Can't wait for the Hawk to be released and especially the future map of the Mach Loop and RAF Valley airfield. Snowdonia was stunning.


    Also sat on the beach watching the SAS and SBS doing some beach and ship storming exercises. They were using two Lynx helicopters, 2 Puma's, a Chinook and a Hercules.


    All very interesting to watch.




  6. Hi Milli

    Find male and female PVC adapters. Both accept PVC plugs via the threading you can see in the images below. Because of a slight size difference in their cylinders, the male and female adapters slide together perfectly!


    Thanks. Makes sense now. Looks a good idea you have there. I'll try it out.




  7. There are several Jags dotted around the uk, in museums and private hands that I'm sure would allow you to have access to. Bentwaters Cold War museum is trying to get theirs to ground running condition.


    A quick internet search and I found a GR3A for sale in Ipswitch. A GR1 in West Sussex. Another GR1 at bournemouth aviation museum etc


    All out of the RAF's secretive hands.




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