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Posts posted by LostOblivion

  1. Question for k.I, Are you planning to only do the F-35 module or will you also do missions, campaigns, training missions etc?


    You couldn't wait NINE DAYS to start bashing him? At least reserve your judgement until the Kick Starter launches. Nobody is being forced to pay anything right now, and so far, there is no proof that KI has done anything to slander our community.


    Now, I'm more or less a trusting guy, but when an ex Marine Corps officer comes out and says that he is going to do something; I am more or less inclined to believe him. If only for that one thing, officers of The United States Marines tend to have a lot of integrity. If this person really did something to offend you, by all means, speak your mind. If, however, this is just another round of baseless accusation, kindly take it elsewhere. We don't need that here.


    Have you seen the Kickstarter for Fighter Ops? With relevance to your argument that officers of the US military should a priori be trustworthy...

  2. Now that all the immature kids went drooling in beczl's thread instead of throwing shit at each other in this one, hopefully KI will spot our questions, which was the point of this thread to start with.


    I asked before, but it got lost in all the #&$*%-#...


    KI, what are the main obstacles your team has to overcome in terms of aircraft avionics and systems with respect to your new simulation platform?

  3. I will tell you a simple and practice answer to this question: It is because they are not american planes, they are not in history channels and the people that love this planes have not enough money. Just take a look in the R-27 Missiles and R-77. So, who care the truth of the planes? :music_whistling:

    I agree, it is because these aircraft are niche in a game that is already niche itself. Spending time making them better probably goes unnoticed by 99 % of the people playing this game, so they don't. Nothing wrong with that, except degrading the quality of the game on a long term.


    Analogy: If a grocery store has an inventory that covers 99 % of the items needed by a customer, and suddenly cuts it down to 90 %, they would save a lot of money for the next few months. But suddenly a customer needs an item in the missing 10 %. She would then have to go to the store next door to buy this item; parhaps she starts going there all the time instead, even for the casual items, just so she doesn't have to go to two places, even if it is more expensive. After a few months the first store starts losing customers just because they have a smaller inventory, they start losing money, more money than they saved earlier.


    You sometimes have to offer more than what 90 % of the customers need, because otherwise you lose customers.


    Not saying it is completely the same for ED, but it most likely occurs here as well. Everybody knows ED delivers niche. If they stop, they will lose customers.

  4. Ah, I don't mind being put into a wish list thread.


    So instead of upgrading, what ED thought would be reasonable to update (6 DoF for Su-25, A-10A, Su-27, F-15C), they should left all aircraft in old 2D cockpits? So they all be equal.

    No, read my post again. I think they should add 6DOF cockpits and improved external models to all aircraft in FC3.


    Oh, and Su-25 got AFM long before FC 3 (if I remember correctly, it was in FC 1)

    I know.


    and A-10C is not even part of FC...

    "Offer someone a finger and they take the whole hand" :)

    I ment A-10A, obviously.


    My point is, there is only a short-term marketing reason why ED leaves out the Su-33 and MiG-29. On a long term reasoning, these should also be updated to match the rest of the quality that comes in FC3 for the product to be complete. My thoughts of course, but I know many here feel the same.


    Another topic is the Su-25T which comes free with DCS World. From a marketing point of view, it doesn't make any sense that this is one of the aircraft that has not received an updated cockpit. Surely, a large part of the reason why ED offers a free DCS World is to showcase their product to convince the customer to buy more of their products. Doing so with an outdated cockpit model is a bad idea, which should be rectified.

  5. My thoughts on Lock On and Flaming Cliffs 3


    Hi, everybody,


    I do not understand the inconsistency of the Lock On product and its FC3 expansion. To me, it would only make sense if this expansion updated all aircraft at once, not discriminating between them. As it is now, all the aircraft in the Lock On have had an updated cockpit and external model, which is great, but the Su-33 and the MiG-29 are for some reason left out.


    Logically, FC3 would be an overall improvement over the previous title, not focusing on specific aircraft tilting towards the ideal of "DCS", but lifting the whole face of the product in its entireness.


    To me, FC3 should be a polished final product in the Lock On series of expansions, where all aircraft are of the same quality and standard. A platform that can then be used to universally take each aircraft out into a seperate DCS product, escaping the need to publish under Ubisoft.


    Ideally, all FC3 aircraft would have simple flight models, giving ED a good reason to branch each of them out into their own DCS labeled product, with an AFM in early public betas, and fully simulated in the final product. I also strongly believe an early public beta release with many and small iterations is healthy.


    Of course, ED has already chosen to add AFMs to the Su-25 and A-10A, which cannot be removed from the product.


    I think it is great that ED plan to add AFMs to the F-15C and Su-27 and sell them as seperate products, but I believe this should be the first stage on the road to creating two fully fledged DCS products.


    Start discussion!

  6. I'm a little disappointed that we won't see the MiG-29 and Su-33 in Flaming Cliffs 3 get updated models and cockpits as well. It is ED's last chance of updating these aircraft in the FC series. Especially the MiG-29. But this also gives sense to the idea that they are going to make DCS: MiG-29. :)

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