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About WIpump

  • Birthday 03/02/1986

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
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  • Interests
    FPS, Combat, Flight, A-10, Apache
  • Occupation
    Deputy Sheriff
  1. holy cow, that fixed it! I was running game mode and it wasn't translating? Is there any way for this to translate to game mode as I really don't have the time right now to learn to fly sim
  2. affirm. regular x52. none of my bindings are translating in game via the downloaded profile. it's all default
  3. it appears the "throttle both" is set to joy-z. there is no "throttle common" but I'm assuming that's what you meant. Still no luck =/ I do have Jackbauers profile and the buttons are not translating in game... although the MFD does indicate jackbauers profile. Im not sure where I went wrong
  4. Hey all, my slider currently controls the throttle. I can't figure out how how to map it to the actual main throttle. Any suggestions? also i dont know if my calibration is off but when the joystick is in the center position during flight the A-10 climbs all by at about 15 degrees. Im not sure how to change this either?
  5. I believe the profiles are loaded as directed. however, it doesn't seem like they are applying in game? my throttle display indicates Jackbauers A10. By pushing the throttle forward or backward has no effect on engines, in fact the slider controls the throttle. amongst several other buttons that arent what the profile indicates... anyone have an idea?
  6. Again, thanks all for the welcoming posts. I need to get my feet wet first before I drop hundreds on additional equipment. I looked into TrackIR and I'm sold, it's obviously a whole new level of immersion... I'd love to join a squad if anyone is looking for a new member!
  7. Is anyone familiar with steam (that's where I purchased it)? I tried navigating/searching the a-10 files in my computer with no luck. According to steam properties it says "manual" not available.
  8. Thanks all for the help and advice - I've obviously got some studying to do. Rest assured, I'll be back with more questions.
  9. Thanks! This is the daunting 650+ page manual we are talking about, right? Will I be able to walk onto an airforce base and operate a hog?:lol:
  10. First off, hello all. I'm excited to learn all I can, but not without intimidation (vast understatement). I'll try not to bore you. I'm sure you hardcores have seen this song and dance before, here's a little background on me. The only flight SIMS I've ever played were the take off and fly kind. I've always had an interest in combat sims, but that diminished years ago when the gaming community didn't seem to produce or "keep up" with the other genres. I see the reviews on DCS - A-10C (being my favorite aircraft ever) and think "hallelujah!!!" I couldn't wait to download the game. So I did just that... I definitely have the PC hardware to run it beautifully, which it absolutely is. I knew even before going into this I'd need a flight stick. Okay, but I couldn't wait to at least give it a test flight with the standard keyboard and mouse. How hard could that be? After all, I'm an expert pilot in all the other games I fly (battlefield, :lol:) Mind you, by downloading the game... I get absolutely no manual. Naturally I enter the training mode in sequence, beginning with the A-10 overview, and Pre-flight school. Immediately I think how cute it was to show how the real pilots do it, going through every little nuance. I then thought to myself, there's no way I'm expected to do all this right? How the heck am I supposed to know what OSB-6, 15, 18 means??! All I could think was wow, this is hard... and as the training went on it got even more difficult. :huh: I couldn't wait to fly so I skipped the rest of the training, and that's just what I did... or tried to do, many times resulting in epic failure. I'll cut it short and just say WOW! I know this will take a long time to simply learn, and months to master. I work fairly long hours, with somewhat limited free time. Thankfully, I'm a quick learner... but this is a whole new ballgame for me. I'm not going to give up, I'm so happy there's a combat simulator of this caliber. If anyone can point me in the right direction for any sort of newbie tutorials I would really really appreciate it. Forgive me in advance, I have not scoured the forums just yet... I really wanted to make this thread. I did just purchase a saitek x52 flight stick and throttle. Will that be sufficient? Thanks all.
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