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About WolfK33

  • Birthday 09/16/1976

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  1. I also couldn´t update at first with the last patch because of all the temporary space needed. My solution, maybe it helps anyone: I uninstalled 2 maps, ran the update and then installed the maps again, which downloaded the new, updated version of the maps. Yes, more clicks and timeconsuming, but at least I could update
  2. Hey, did you ever solve that issue? I just started exploring some interesting servers, but as soon as I use an aircraft that I use Streamdeck with I get kicked for tainted client. Unfortunately I have no idea whatsoever about all that programming stuff etc...
  3. Got it running as intended again. It seems it was the first time I updated Vaicom after the merge from Open Beta & Stable to just Stable or something like that. Anyways, the slider in Vaicom was set to "Open Beta", so it created a corresponding subfolder in "Saved Games" and put it´s files there instead of using the correct one, set it to stable, did the whole dance again and now it works.
  4. Oh, and I just noticed that the radio menu does open itself from time to time, but not as often as with the "classic" menu flashing
  5. Good idea, thank you, but unfortunately that was not the problem, I just checked
  6. Hey all, today I updated to Afterwards I had several problems, like StreamDeck not connecting to DCS anymore and flashing comms menu. I did the whole dance, with DCS repair and LUA reset and all that. Now I got it running agin. Well, kind of... Before, when using Vaicom the DCS radio menu did not appear, but I could show it with the corresponding DCS key or by saying "Options" Now, when I press my Vaicom-PTT the DCS radio menu opens. Another press closes it. The PTT is not mapped to anything in DCS. Commands work, but "Options" and "Take 1 (2,3 etc) does not work anymore. No combination of "hide comms menu" and "allow options" brings back the old (and wanted) behavior, wich is: No radio menu on ptt, but "Options" working and radio menu on DCS button press. Any ideas?
  7. Hi, just like any other patch, go to Windows start menu -> Eagle Dynamics -> Update DCS World (Or whatever the entry is called in the english version)
  8. For some reason I was most happy about this in the changelog, but I just tried the Nevada Refueling Practice Mission several times but had no luck with Jester in this regard edit: just tried in the new Paradise Lost Free Flight (best free flight mission ever, thanks!), but Jester didn´t call in "ready pre-contact" here either
  9. Yeah, have also asked for this a couple of years back, just as you describe it. Like the flashlight. Even as a not VR-user this would be great.
  10. I just downloaded the lua, I don´t know anything about that stuff as mentioned before lol, it was just barely enough to make the keyboard...
  11. I think here you could find someone who knows what he´s doing concerning that dark magic, lol:
  12. Hi, sounds like the same problem I had at first and that Pac-man_ a few posts above had. I have no idea why, but for both Pac-man_ and me redownloading the .lua worked. Hope this helps with you too, otherwise I unfortuantely don´t know what to do. Good luck!
  13. I also had that problem when I tried to make this, and I also suspected it was due to naming, as I had encountered that before. I then redownloaded the whole set of .lua files and copied the AH64 one over again and then it worked. Yes, AH-64D_BLK_II.lua is correct. I´m sorry I can´t really help, I don´t know crap about all that stuff nowadays that I´m old, lol, it´s still a miracle to me that I managed to put this together..
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