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  1. BIGNEWY's post in F-18 MFUZ on dropping MK84 is not working anymore was marked as the answer   
    this is a known issue, some older missions are having issues with fuzing.
    Resaving the mission may help, and will be fixed in a future update. 
    thank you
  2. BIGNEWY's post in Laser bombs not working with F-18 was marked as the answer   
    I have checked with the team, there is an issue with missions with older preset loadouts. 
    Please try again and this time go to the rearm menu and save the loadout, and confirm the fuze settings on the weapons. 
    I will mark this thread reported and hopefully in the future the older presets will be working correctly. 
    thank you 
  3. BIGNEWY's post in Since 2.9.6 (altest Update) I've got extremly loud Sound Noise on Com 1 from the AWACS and The Tower was marked as the answer   
    Hi all, 
    this is a global issue not just for the viper, and it is reported. 
    There is a long period of static type noise when the ATC should be talking, the team are aware and working on a fix. 
    Thank you 
  4. BIGNEWY's post in i9-9900K, 3070TI, Windows 10 Quest 2 Crash after splash was marked as the answer   
    please try a repair of DCS and you may need to adjust your pagefile 

    If you are using the Meta / Oculus PTC update you need to disable openXR Toolkit as it is creating a crash. 
    thank you 
  5. BIGNEWY's post in What happened to the Roadmap thread? was marked as the answer   
    Silver Dragon is taking a short break, and has requested it to be hidden for now. If that changes we can enable the thread again. 
    thank you 
  6. BIGNEWY's post in Black screen for TACCOM / JTAC slot with options.miscellaneous.f11_free_camera false and mission.forcedOptions.externalViews false was marked as the answer   
    For those that report they get a black screen in tactical commander - make sure "f11 free camera" is enabled in DCS options. It should help
    We are working on a better fix
    thank you 
  7. BIGNEWY's post in Will we get the Steam version of Afghanistan in the next update? was marked as the answer   
    Afghanistan is planned for the 3rd of July on steam, same day as stand alone DCS
    It will be available on patch day for early access discount 20% 
    thank you 
  8. BIGNEWY's post in Modules are gone? was marked as the answer   
    did you buy on steam and link your account to dcs? 
    If so go to your account page on our website and use the fetch licences button again, sometimes the steam API has a moment. 
    If it is not that check DCS is not being blocked from connecting to the internet, check antivirus. 
    Try rebooting the pc and router, sometimes local internet / dns issues are the cause. 
    thank you
  9. BIGNEWY's post in Force trim and early access was marked as the answer   
    At early access launch the trim will work in a basic way, move it to desired position, press button and this becomes centre. Its a pretty standard concept for trim. 
    Proper trim using dafcs modes will be added later during early access development. 
    thank you 
  10. BIGNEWY's post in DCS Crashes on startup after moving Root directory to another disk. was marked as the answer   
    Please remove all custom mods 
    Custom Mods
    CH Military Asset Pack UK 1.0.1,CH Military Asset Pack Iran 1.0.1,ECHO19_FA18,Echo Aircraft Mod,ECHO19_F16,CH Military Asset Pack Ukraine 1.0.0,Civil Aircraft Mod,CH Military Asset Pack Russia 1.1.1,CH Military Asset Pack USA 1.1.3,IDF Assets Pack,CH Military Asset Pack China 1.1.2,SAMPack_S-300_Series
    There is an error 
    malformed number near '0.2S'

    Check antivirus is not creating a problem, set an exclusion for dcs and run a repair or verify if steam
    thank you
  11. BIGNEWY's post in Planned server maintenance Login Authorization Expired? was marked as the answer   
    Hi all, 
    it is a planned maintenance, check the banner at the top of the forum 
    hopefully not to long to go now. 

    thank you 
  12. BIGNEWY's post in GMT ground moving target Radar - while in use random crash to desktop - possible MT issue was marked as the answer   
    reproduced the crash.
    Can you say if it happens on Caucasus terrain also or not? 
    I am reporting now 
    thank you 
  13. BIGNEWY's post in Beta Testers vacancy? was marked as the answer   
    closed beta tester volunteer roles are usually by invitation, we generally look for helpful community members or users with relevant skills to assist us. 
    Being helpful to others on the forums or discord is the best way, that is how I started over a decade ago as a volunteer. 
    This old post will give you an idea 
  14. BIGNEWY's post in DCS F-16C Early Access, what's left, what's next. was marked as the answer   
    Hey Ryan, 
    good to hear you enjoy the F-16C yes just the sniper pod for end of early access, there are some other features planned after and tweaks and bug fixing will continue with everyone's great feed back. 
    thank you 
  15. BIGNEWY's post in JPF menu missing was marked as the answer   
    Hi JPF will be in a future patch 
    thank you 
  16. BIGNEWY's post in Feature removed from Patch Notes was marked as the answer   
    Log was incorrect and was edited to
    Added Maverick and HMCS Auto-Boresight, automatic for hot starts. Cold starts require manual boresight.
  17. BIGNEWY's post in Todays V Current version number: was marked as the answer   
    All unofficial mods should be removed for any update, also worth checking if antivirus is creating a problem. 
    Then run a repair of DCS and retest 
    thank you 
  18. BIGNEWY's post in Bomb Fuze Update was marked as the answer   
    As explained in the video, only JPF settings of the actual bomb fuze can be changed from the cockpit, but this is also true for WCMD. Every other fuze can be adjusted in the cockpit, but it does NOT change the actual fuze setting on the bomb, it only sets the fuze settings that the weapons computer is calculating for.
    thank you 
  19. BIGNEWY's post in Net sim post start crash was marked as the answer   
    Your windows version is outdated, might be worth making sure all drivers and windows are up to date. 

    The crash occurred inside animator.dll.

    if you have any unofficial mods or edits remove them then try a repair.
    Delete Saved Games\DCS\fxo and metashaders2 and try again.
    Next, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\TEMP\DCS and try again.
    Stacktrace (animator): Animator::AnimationManager::create_gpu_animations + 0x170B (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0xB49 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0x15B76 (edCore): ed::thread::_get_current_thread_id + 0x71 (ucrtbase): _configthreadlocale + 0x92 [...]
    If you continue to crash please upload your latest dcs log, this one seems
  20. BIGNEWY's post in Barricade - Planned Feature was marked as the answer   
    It is planned but we have other features to bring out before it, so you will need to continue to be patient. 
    thank you 
  21. BIGNEWY's post in Not a bug, just wondering what the hell happened... was marked as the answer   
    The mission has birds set to  ["birds"] = 300,
  22. BIGNEWY's post in Mav D not hitting targets reliably despite good lock on TGP point and IR seeker and in range. was marked as the answer   
    thank you for the track replay. 
    It is important to remember that the IR seeker is an optical lock on the highest contrast point, it looks like the lock it being made on the rubble close to the intended target. 
    Closing range and adjusting contrast may help. 
    thank you 
  23. BIGNEWY's post in Right MFCD goes black was marked as the answer   
    Watching the track it looks like something is messing with the rocker switch top right of the MFD 
    when I take control of the track all seems ok for me.
    Double check nothing is creating a problem like a double input or 3rd party macro. 
    edit: snipped by AdrianL 🙂 
  24. BIGNEWY's post in More info about the Chinook model in DCS was marked as the answer   
    The team will have a list of early access features to share soon. 
    thank you 
  25. BIGNEWY's post in Sinai Map still not an option in dedicated server modular installer was marked as the answer   
    I will chase the installer option up with the team 
    thank you 
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